A case of septic arthritis following platelet-rich plasma treatment due to knee
osteoarthritis is presented in the context of clinical and laboratory findings. A 71
years old male patient with osteoarthritis of the knee had pain, limitation of
movement and swelling in the left knee after platelet-rich plasma administration.
Diagnosis is made as septic arthritis after the result of physical examination and
medical workup. The patient was mobilized by the help of suitable antibiotics and
physical therapy application. Osteoarthritis of the knee is one of the important
health problems. Despite the fact that many different methods have been applied
for the treatment, no definitive treatment method has been determined. The
platelet-rich plasma method has become increasingly popular in recent years.
Platelet-rich plasma has advantages such as easy application, no need to
hospitalization and low side effects, it also has an antibacterial effect. However,
* Makale Geliş Tarihi: 24.02.2021 - Makale Kabul Tarihi: 18.06.2021
DOI: 10.17932/IAU.ASD.2015.007/asd_v07i3007
Trombositten Zengin Plazma Uygulaması Sonrası Gelişen Septik Artrit: İlk Olgu
it should be remembered that a significant complication may occur such as septic
arthritis as in all intraarticular applications.