Focal epithelial hyperplasia (FEH) or Heck’s disease is an
uncommon asymptomatic proliferation of oral mucosa. It
usually presents with multiple asymptomatic and occasionally
painful exophytic papules or nodules on the buccal mucosa,
gingiva, tongue or lips. Although the lesions may resolve
after months or years with or without any specific treatment,
they may also indefinitely persist or frequently recur. These
lesions can be surgically removed if the lesions are exposed
to occlusal trauma or the patient has aesthetic concerns. A
35-year-old female patient was admitted to our clinic with the
complaint of multiple nodules on her lip and buccal mucosa.
After an intraoral examination, we detected multiple, soft,
pink, non-inflammatory, and exophytic 2 to 8 mm papules
on the oral mucosa including buccal mucosa and lower lip.
Histopathologic examination of the incisional biopsy of a
papule confirmed the diagnosis of focal epithelial hyperplasia.
Oral lesions were treated with serial partial excisions using
diode laser. After 24 months of a follow-up period, there were
no signs of recurrence. Although Heck’s disease is generally
seen in childhood and adolescence, a rare case of FEH seen in
a female adult patient who has got treatment with diode laser
and 24 months of follow-up