Background: Proliferative verrucous leukoplakia
(PVL) is the rarest and stubborn subtype of oral
leukoplakia (OL). The origin of PVL is still unknown
and because the possible risk factors of OL are not in
complete accordance with PVL, diagnosing the disease
is very hard. PVL also needs special attention because
of the high progression rate of squamous cell carcinoma
and verrucous carcinoma.
Case Report: A 54 year old female patient was admitted
to our department with the complaint of painless white
lesions in anterior region of the floor of the mouth.
In the light of the clinical and radiological findings,
with the initial OL diagnosis, lesion was excised using
electrocautery as a whole under local anesthesia and
sent for histopathological examination. Final diagnosis
was “Proliferative Verrucous Hyperplasia”. After 60
months of follow-up, there was no recurrence.
Conclusion and Clinical Relevance: Since PVL
has high progression rate for malign lesions and high
relapse rates, it is important to detect the disease at
early stages, and long term follow-up after surgical
excision is needed