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Life Cycle Assessment of a multi-use offshore platform: Combining wind and wave energy production

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dc.contributor.author Sirunyan A. M.
dc.contributor.author Tumasyan A.
dc.contributor.author Adam W.
dc.contributor.author Asilar E.
dc.contributor.author Bergauer T.
dc.contributor.author Brandstetter J.
dc.contributor.author Brondolin E.
dc.contributor.author Dragicevic M.
dc.contributor.author Eroe J.
dc.contributor.author Flechl M.
dc.contributor.author Friedl M.
dc.contributor.author Fruehwirth R.
dc.contributor.author Ghete V. M.
dc.contributor.author Hartl C.
dc.contributor.author Hoermann N.
dc.contributor.author Hrubec J.
dc.contributor.author Jeitler M.
dc.contributor.author Koenig A.
dc.contributor.author Kraetschmer I.
dc.contributor.author Liko D.
dc.contributor.author Matsushita T.
dc.contributor.author Mikulec I.
dc.contributor.author Rabady D.
dc.contributor.author Rad N.
dc.contributor.author Rahbaran B.
dc.contributor.author Rohringer H.
dc.contributor.author Schieck J.
dc.contributor.author Strauss J.
dc.contributor.author Waltenberger W.
dc.contributor.author Wulz C. -E.
dc.contributor.author Dvornikov O.
dc.contributor.author Makarenko V.
dc.contributor.author Mossolov V.
dc.contributor.author Gonzalez J. Suarez
dc.contributor.author Zykunov V.
dc.contributor.author Shumeiko N.
dc.contributor.author Alderweireldt S.
dc.contributor.author DeWolf E. A.
dc.contributor.author Janssen X.
dc.contributor.author Lauwers J.
dc.contributor.author Van De Klundert M.
dc.contributor.author Van Haevermaet H.
dc.contributor.author Van Mechelen P.
dc.contributor.author Van Remortel N.
dc.contributor.author Van Spilbeeck A.
dc.contributor.author Abu Zeid S.
dc.contributor.author Blekman F.
dc.contributor.author D'Hondt J.
dc.contributor.author Daci N.
dc.contributor.author De Bruyn I.
dc.contributor.author Deroover K.
dc.contributor.author Lowette S.
dc.contributor.author Moortgat S.
dc.contributor.author Moreels L.
dc.contributor.author Olbrechts A.
dc.contributor.author Python Q.
dc.contributor.author Skovpen K.
dc.contributor.author Tavernier S.
dc.contributor.author Van Doninck W.
dc.contributor.author Van Mulders P.
dc.contributor.author Van Parijs I.
dc.contributor.author Brun H.
dc.contributor.author Clerbaux B.
dc.contributor.author De Lentdecker G.
dc.contributor.author Delannoy H.
dc.contributor.author Fasanella G.
dc.contributor.author Favart L.
dc.contributor.author Goldouzian R.
dc.contributor.author Grebenyuk A.
dc.contributor.author Karapostoli G.
dc.contributor.author Lenzi T.
dc.contributor.author Leonard A.
dc.contributor.author Luetic J.
dc.contributor.author Maerschalk T.
dc.contributor.author Marinov A.
dc.contributor.author Randle-conde A.
dc.contributor.author Seva T.
dc.contributor.author Velde C. Vander
dc.contributor.author Vanlaer P.
dc.contributor.author Vannerom D.
dc.contributor.author Yonamine R.
dc.contributor.author Zenoni F.
dc.contributor.author Zhang F.
dc.contributor.author Cimmino A.
dc.contributor.author Cornelis T.
dc.contributor.author Dobur D.
dc.contributor.author Fagot A.
dc.contributor.author Gul M.
dc.contributor.author Khvastunov I.
dc.contributor.author Poyraz D.
dc.contributor.author Salva S.
dc.contributor.author Schofbeck R.
dc.contributor.author Tytgat M.
dc.contributor.author Van Driessche W.
dc.contributor.author Yazgan E.
dc.contributor.author Zaganidis N.
dc.contributor.author Bakhshiansohi H.
dc.contributor.author Beluffi C.
dc.contributor.author Bondu O.
dc.contributor.author Brochet S.
dc.contributor.author Bruno G.
dc.contributor.author Caudron A.
dc.contributor.author De Visscher S.
dc.contributor.author Delaere C.
dc.contributor.author Delcourt M.
dc.contributor.author Francois B.
dc.contributor.author Giammanco A.
dc.contributor.author Jafari A.
dc.contributor.author Komm M.
dc.contributor.author Krintiras G.
dc.contributor.author Lemaitre V.
dc.contributor.author Magitteri A.
dc.contributor.author Mertens A.
dc.contributor.author Musich M.
dc.contributor.author Piotrzkowski K.
dc.contributor.author Quertenmont L.
dc.contributor.author Selvaggi M.
dc.contributor.author Marono M. Vidal
dc.contributor.author Wertz S.
dc.contributor.author Beliy N.
dc.contributor.author Alda W. L. Junior
dc.contributor.author Alves F. L.
dc.contributor.author Alves G. A.
dc.contributor.author Brito L.
dc.contributor.author Hensel C.
dc.contributor.author Moraes A.
dc.contributor.author Pol M. E.
dc.contributor.author Teles P. Rebello
dc.contributor.author Belchior Batista Das Chagas E.
dc.contributor.author Carvalho W.
dc.contributor.author Chinellato J.
dc.contributor.author Custodio A.
dc.contributor.author Da Costa E. M.
dc.contributor.author Da Silveira G. G.
dc.contributor.author De Jesus Damiao D.
dc.contributor.author De Oliveira Martins C.
dc.contributor.author Fonseca De Souza S.
dc.contributor.author Huertas Guativa L. M.
dc.contributor.author Malbouisson H.
dc.contributor.author Matos Figueiredo D.
dc.contributor.author Mora Herrera C.
dc.contributor.author Mundim L.
dc.contributor.author Nogima H.
dc.contributor.author Prado Da Silva W. L.
dc.contributor.author Santoro A.
dc.contributor.author Sznajder A.
dc.contributor.author Tonelli Manganote E. J.
dc.contributor.author Torres Da Silva De Araujo F.
dc.contributor.author Vilela Pereira A.
dc.contributor.author Ahuja S.
dc.contributor.author Bernardes C. A.
dc.contributor.author Dogra S.
dc.contributor.author Fernandez Perez Tomei T. R.
dc.contributor.author Gregores E. M.
dc.contributor.author Mercadante P. G.
dc.contributor.author Moon C. S.
dc.contributor.author Novaes S. F.
dc.contributor.author Padula Sandra S.
dc.contributor.author Romero Abad D.
dc.contributor.author Ruiz Vargas J. C.
dc.contributor.author Aleksandrov A.
dc.contributor.author Hadjiiska R.
dc.contributor.author Iaydjiev P.
dc.contributor.author Rodozov M.
dc.contributor.author Stoykova S.
dc.contributor.author Sultanov G.
dc.contributor.author Vutova M.
dc.contributor.author Dimitrov A.
dc.contributor.author Glushkov I.
dc.contributor.author Litov L.
dc.contributor.author Pavlov B.
dc.contributor.author Petkov P.
dc.contributor.author Fang W.
dc.contributor.author Ahmad M.
dc.contributor.author Bian J. G.
dc.contributor.author Chen G. M.
dc.contributor.author Chen H. S.
dc.contributor.author Chen M.
dc.contributor.author Chen Y.
dc.contributor.author Cheng T.
dc.contributor.author Jiang C. H.
dc.contributor.author Leggat D.
dc.contributor.author Liu Z.
dc.contributor.author Romeo F.
dc.contributor.author Ruan M.
dc.contributor.author Shaheen S. M.
dc.contributor.author Spiezia A.
dc.contributor.author Tao J.
dc.contributor.author Wang C.
dc.contributor.author Wang Z.
dc.contributor.author Zhang H.
dc.contributor.author Zhao J.
dc.contributor.author Ban Y.
dc.contributor.author Chen G.
dc.contributor.author Li Q.
dc.contributor.author Liu S.
dc.contributor.author Mao Y.
dc.contributor.author Qian S. J.
dc.contributor.author Wang D.
dc.contributor.author Xu Z.
dc.contributor.author Avila C.
dc.contributor.author Cabrera A.
dc.contributor.author Chaparro Sierra L. F.
dc.contributor.author Florez C.
dc.contributor.author Gomez J. P.
dc.contributor.author Gonzalez Hernandez C. F.
dc.contributor.author Ruiz Alvarez J. D.
dc.contributor.author Sanabria J. C.
dc.contributor.author Godinovic N.
dc.contributor.author Lelas D.
dc.contributor.author Puljak I.
dc.contributor.author Cipriano P. M. Ribeiro
dc.contributor.author Sculac T.
dc.contributor.author Antunovic Z.
dc.contributor.author Kovac M.
dc.contributor.author Brigljevic V.
dc.contributor.author Ferencek D.
dc.contributor.author Kadija K.
dc.contributor.author Mesic B.
dc.contributor.author Susa T.
dc.contributor.author Attikis A.
dc.contributor.author Mavromanolakis G.
dc.contributor.author Mousa J.
dc.contributor.author Nicolaou C.
dc.contributor.author Ptochos F.
dc.contributor.author Razis P. A.
dc.contributor.author Rykaczewski H.
dc.contributor.author Tsiakkouri D.
dc.contributor.author Finger M.
dc.contributor.author Finger M. Jr.
dc.contributor.author Jarrin E. Carrera
dc.contributor.author Assran Y.
dc.contributor.author Elkafrawy T.
dc.contributor.author Mahrous A.
dc.contributor.author Kadastik M.
dc.contributor.author Perrini L.
dc.contributor.author Raidal M.
dc.contributor.author Tiko A.
dc.contributor.author Veelken C.
dc.contributor.author Eerola P.
dc.contributor.author Pekkanen J.
dc.contributor.author Voutilainen M.
dc.contributor.author Harkonen J.
dc.contributor.author Jarvinen T.
dc.contributor.author Karimaki V.
dc.contributor.author Kinnunen R.
dc.contributor.author Lampen T.
dc.contributor.author Lassila-Perini K.
dc.contributor.author Lehti S.
dc.contributor.author Linden T.
dc.contributor.author Luukka P.
dc.contributor.author Tuominiemi J.
dc.contributor.author Tuovinen E.
dc.contributor.author Wendland L.
dc.contributor.author Talvitie J.
dc.contributor.author Tuuva T.
dc.contributor.author Besancon M.
dc.contributor.author Couderc F.
dc.contributor.author Dejardin M.
dc.contributor.author Denegri D.
dc.contributor.author Fabbro B.
dc.contributor.author Faure J. L.
dc.contributor.author Favaro C.
dc.contributor.author Ferri F.
dc.contributor.author Ganjour S.
dc.contributor.author Ghosh S.
dc.contributor.author Givernaud A.
dc.contributor.author Gras P.
dc.contributor.author de Monchenault G. Hamel
dc.contributor.author Jarry P.
dc.contributor.author Kucher I.
dc.contributor.author Locci E.
dc.contributor.author Machet M.
dc.contributor.author Malcles J.
dc.contributor.author Rander J.
dc.contributor.author Rosowsky A.
dc.contributor.author Titov M.
dc.contributor.author Abdulsalam A.
dc.contributor.author Antropov I.
dc.contributor.author Baffioni S.
dc.contributor.author Beaudette F.
dc.contributor.author Busson P.
dc.contributor.author Cadamuro L.
dc.contributor.author Chapon E.
dc.contributor.author Charlot C.
dc.contributor.author Davignon O.
dc.contributor.author de Cassagnac R. Granier
dc.contributor.author Jo M.
dc.contributor.author Lisniak S.
dc.contributor.author Mine P.
dc.contributor.author Nguyen M.
dc.contributor.author Ochando C.
dc.contributor.author Ortona G.
dc.contributor.author Paganini P.
dc.contributor.author Pigard P.
dc.contributor.author Regnard S.
dc.contributor.author Salerno R.
dc.contributor.author Sirois Y.
dc.contributor.author Leiton A. G. Stahl
dc.contributor.author Strebler T.
dc.contributor.author Yilmaz Y.
dc.contributor.author Zabi A.
dc.contributor.author Zghiche A.
dc.contributor.author Agram J. -L.
dc.contributor.author Andrea J.
dc.contributor.author Aubin A.
dc.contributor.author Bloch D.
dc.contributor.author Brom J. -M.
dc.contributor.author Buttignol M.
dc.contributor.author Chabert E. C.
dc.contributor.author Chanon N.
dc.contributor.author Collard C.
dc.contributor.author Conte E.
dc.contributor.author Coubez X.
dc.contributor.author Fontaine J. -C.
dc.contributor.author Gele D.
dc.contributor.author Goerlach U.
dc.contributor.author Le Bihan A. -C.
dc.contributor.author Van Hove P.
dc.contributor.author Gadrat S.
dc.contributor.author Beauceron S.
dc.contributor.author Bernet C.
dc.contributor.author Boudoul G.
dc.contributor.author Montoya C. A. Carrillo
dc.contributor.author Chierici R.
dc.contributor.author Contardo D.
dc.contributor.author Courbon B.
dc.contributor.author Depasse P.
dc.contributor.author El Mamouni H.
dc.contributor.author Fay J.
dc.contributor.author Gascon S.
dc.contributor.author Gouzevitch M.
dc.contributor.author Grenier G.
dc.contributor.author Ille B.
dc.contributor.author Lagarde F.
dc.contributor.author Laktineh I. B.
dc.contributor.author Lethuillier M.
dc.contributor.author Mirabito L.
dc.contributor.author Pequegnot A. L.
dc.contributor.author Perries S.
dc.contributor.author Popov A.
dc.contributor.author Sabes D.
dc.contributor.author Sordini V.
dc.contributor.author Donckt M. Vander
dc.contributor.author Verdier P.
dc.contributor.author Viret S.
dc.contributor.author Toriashvili T.
dc.contributor.author Tsamalaidze Z.
dc.contributor.author Autermann C.
dc.contributor.author Beranek S.
dc.contributor.author Feld L.
dc.contributor.author Kiesel M. K.
dc.contributor.author Klein K.
dc.contributor.author Lipinski M.
dc.contributor.author Preuten M.
dc.contributor.author Schomakers C.
dc.contributor.author Schulz J.
dc.contributor.author Verlage T.
dc.contributor.author Albert A.
dc.contributor.author Brodski M.
dc.contributor.author Dietz-Laursonn E.
dc.contributor.author Duchardt D.
dc.contributor.author Endres M.
dc.contributor.author Erdmann M.
dc.contributor.author Erdweg S.
dc.contributor.author Esch T.
dc.contributor.author Fischer R.
dc.contributor.author Gueth A.
dc.contributor.author Hamer M.
dc.contributor.author Hebbeker T.
dc.contributor.author Heidemann C.
dc.contributor.author Hoepfner K.
dc.contributor.author Knutzen S.
dc.contributor.author Merschmeyer M.
dc.contributor.author Meyer A.
dc.contributor.author Millet P.
dc.contributor.author Mukherjee S.
dc.contributor.author Olschewski M.
dc.contributor.author Padeken K.
dc.contributor.author Pook T.
dc.contributor.author Radziej M.
dc.contributor.author Reithler H.
dc.contributor.author Rieger M.
dc.contributor.author Scheuch F.
dc.contributor.author Sonnenschein L.
dc.contributor.author Teyssier D.
dc.contributor.author Thueer S.
dc.contributor.author Cherepanov V.
dc.contributor.author Fluegge G.
dc.contributor.author Kargoll B.
dc.contributor.author Kress T.
dc.contributor.author Kuensken A.
dc.contributor.author Lingemann J.
dc.contributor.author Mueller T.
dc.contributor.author Nehrkorn A.
dc.contributor.author Nowack A.
dc.contributor.author Pistone C.
dc.contributor.author Pooth O.
dc.contributor.author Stahl A.
dc.contributor.author Martin M. Aldaya
dc.contributor.author Arndt T.
dc.contributor.author Asawatangtrakuldee C.
dc.contributor.author Beernaert K.
dc.contributor.author Behnke O.
dc.contributor.author Behrens U.
dc.contributor.author Bin Anuar A. A.
dc.contributor.author Borras K.
dc.contributor.author Campbell A.
dc.contributor.author Connor P.
dc.contributor.author Contreras-Campana C.
dc.contributor.author Costanza F.
dc.contributor.author Pardos C. Diez
dc.contributor.author Dolinska G.
dc.contributor.author Eckerlin G.
dc.contributor.author Eckstein D.
dc.contributor.author Eichhorn T.
dc.contributor.author Eren E.
dc.contributor.author Gallo E.
dc.contributor.author Garcia J. Garay
dc.contributor.author Geiser A.
dc.contributor.author Gizhko A.
dc.contributor.author Luyando J. M. Grados
dc.contributor.author Grohsjean A.
dc.contributor.author Gunnellini P.
dc.contributor.author Harb A.
dc.contributor.author Hauk J.
dc.contributor.author Hempel M.
dc.contributor.author Jung H.
dc.contributor.author Kalogeropoulos A.
dc.contributor.author Karacheban O.
dc.contributor.author Kasemann M.
dc.contributor.author Keaveney J.
dc.contributor.author Kleinwort C.
dc.contributor.author Korol I.
dc.contributor.author Kruecker D.
dc.contributor.author Lange W.
dc.contributor.author Lelek A.
dc.contributor.author Lenz T.
dc.contributor.author Leonard J.
dc.contributor.author Lipka K.
dc.contributor.author Lobanov A.
dc.contributor.author Lohmann W.
dc.contributor.author Mankel R.
dc.contributor.author Melzer-Pellmann I. -A.
dc.contributor.author Meyer A. B.
dc.contributor.author Mittag G.
dc.contributor.author Mnich J.
dc.contributor.author Mussgiller A.
dc.contributor.author Pitzl D.
dc.contributor.author Placakyte R.
dc.contributor.author Raspereza A.
dc.contributor.author Roland B.
dc.contributor.author Sahin M. O.
dc.contributor.author Saxena P.
dc.contributor.author Schoerner-Sadenius T.
dc.contributor.author Spannagel S.
dc.contributor.author Stefaniuk N.
dc.contributor.author Van Onsem G. P.
dc.contributor.author Walsh R.
dc.contributor.author Wissing C.
dc.contributor.author Blobel V.
dc.contributor.author Vignali M. Centis
dc.contributor.author Draeger A. R.
dc.contributor.author Dreyer T.
dc.contributor.author Garutti E.
dc.contributor.author Gonzalez D.
dc.contributor.author Haller J.
dc.contributor.author Hoffmann M.
dc.contributor.author Junkes A.
dc.contributor.author Klanner R.
dc.contributor.author Kogler R.
dc.contributor.author Kovalchuk N.
dc.contributor.author Lapsien T.
dc.contributor.author Marchesini I.
dc.contributor.author Marconi D.
dc.contributor.author Meyer M.
dc.contributor.author Niedziela M.
dc.contributor.author Nowatschin D.
dc.contributor.author Pantaleo F.
dc.contributor.author Peiffer T.
dc.contributor.author Perieanu A.
dc.contributor.author Scharf C.
dc.contributor.author Schleper P.
dc.contributor.author Schmidt A.
dc.contributor.author Schumann S.
dc.contributor.author Schwandt J.
dc.contributor.author Stadie H.
dc.contributor.author Steinbrueck G.
dc.contributor.author Stober F. M.
dc.contributor.author Stoever M.
dc.contributor.author Tholen H.
dc.contributor.author Troendle D.
dc.contributor.author Usai E.
dc.contributor.author Vanelderen L.
dc.contributor.author Vanhoefer A.
dc.contributor.author Vormwald B.
dc.contributor.author Akbiyik M.
dc.contributor.author Barth C.
dc.contributor.author Baur S.
dc.contributor.author Baus C.
dc.contributor.author Berger J.
dc.contributor.author Butz E.
dc.contributor.author Caspart R.
dc.contributor.author Chwalek T.
dc.contributor.author Colombo F.
dc.contributor.author De Boer W.
dc.contributor.author Dierlamm A.
dc.contributor.author Fink S.
dc.contributor.author Freund B.
dc.contributor.author Friese R.
dc.contributor.author Giffels M.
dc.contributor.author Gilbert A.
dc.contributor.author Goldenzweig P.
dc.contributor.author Haitz D.
dc.contributor.author Hartmann F.
dc.contributor.author Heindl S. M.
dc.contributor.author Husemann U.
dc.contributor.author Katkov I.
dc.contributor.author Kudella S.
dc.contributor.author Mildner H.
dc.contributor.author Mozer M. U.
dc.contributor.author Mueller Th.
dc.contributor.author Plagge M.
dc.contributor.author Quast G.
dc.contributor.author Rabbertz K.
dc.contributor.author Roecker S.
dc.contributor.author Roscher F.
dc.contributor.author Schroeder M.
dc.contributor.author Shvetsov I.
dc.contributor.author Sieber G.
dc.contributor.author Simonis H. J.
dc.contributor.author Ulrich R.
dc.contributor.author Wayand S.
dc.contributor.author Weber M.
dc.contributor.author Weiler T.
dc.contributor.author Williamson S.
dc.contributor.author Woehrmann C.
dc.contributor.author Wolf R.
dc.contributor.author Anagnostou G.
dc.contributor.author Daskalakis G.
dc.contributor.author Geralis T.
dc.contributor.author Giakoumopoulou V. A.
dc.contributor.author Kyriakis A.
dc.contributor.author Loukas D.
dc.contributor.author Topsis-Giotis I.
dc.contributor.author Kesisoglou S.
dc.contributor.author Panagiotou A.
dc.contributor.author Saoulidou N.
dc.contributor.author Tziaferi E.
dc.contributor.author Evangelou I.
dc.contributor.author Flouris G.
dc.contributor.author Foudas C.
dc.contributor.author Kokkas P.
dc.contributor.author Loukas N.
dc.contributor.author Manthos N.
dc.contributor.author Papadopoulos I.
dc.contributor.author Paradas E.
dc.contributor.author Filipovic N.
dc.contributor.author Pasztor G.
dc.contributor.author Bencze G.
dc.contributor.author Hajdu C.
dc.contributor.author Horvath D.
dc.contributor.author Sikler F.
dc.contributor.author Veszpremi V.
dc.contributor.author Vesztergombi G.
dc.contributor.author Zsigmond A. J.
dc.contributor.author Beni N.
dc.contributor.author Czellar S.
dc.contributor.author Karancsi J.
dc.contributor.author Makovec A.
dc.contributor.author Molnar J.
dc.contributor.author Szillasi Z.
dc.contributor.author Bartok M.
dc.contributor.author Raics P.
dc.contributor.author Trocsanyi Z. L.
dc.contributor.author Ujvari B.
dc.contributor.author Komaragiri J. R.
dc.contributor.author Bahinipati S.
dc.contributor.author Bhowmik S.
dc.contributor.author Choudhury S.
dc.contributor.author Mal P.
dc.contributor.author Mandal K.
dc.contributor.author Nayak A.
dc.contributor.author Sahoo D. K.
dc.contributor.author Sahoo N.
dc.contributor.author Swain S. K.
dc.contributor.author Bansal S.
dc.contributor.author Beri S. B.
dc.contributor.author Bhatnagar V.
dc.contributor.author Chawla R.
dc.contributor.author Bhawandeep U.
dc.contributor.author Kalsi A. K.
dc.contributor.author Kaur A.
dc.contributor.author Kaur M.
dc.contributor.author Kumar R.
dc.contributor.author Kumari P.
dc.contributor.author Mehta A.
dc.contributor.author Mittal M.
dc.contributor.author Singh J. B.
dc.contributor.author Walia G.
dc.contributor.author Kumar Ashok
dc.contributor.author Bhardwaj A.
dc.contributor.author Choudhary B. C.
dc.contributor.author Garg R. B.
dc.contributor.author Keshri S.
dc.contributor.author Malhotra S.
dc.contributor.author Naimuddin M.
dc.contributor.author Ranjan K.
dc.contributor.author Sharma R.
dc.contributor.author Sharma V.
dc.contributor.author Bhattacharya R.
dc.contributor.author Bhattacharya S.
dc.contributor.author Chatterjee K.
dc.contributor.author Dey S.
dc.contributor.author Dutt S.
dc.contributor.author Dutta S.
dc.contributor.author Ghosh S.
dc.contributor.author Majumdar N.
dc.contributor.author Modak A.
dc.contributor.author Mondal K.
dc.contributor.author Mukhopadhyay S.
dc.contributor.author Nandan S.
dc.contributor.author Purohit A.
dc.contributor.author Roy A.
dc.contributor.author Roy D.
dc.contributor.author Chowdhury S. Roy
dc.contributor.author Sarkar S.
dc.contributor.author Sharan M.
dc.contributor.author Thakur S.
dc.contributor.author Behera P. K.
dc.contributor.author Chudasama R.
dc.contributor.author Dutta D.
dc.contributor.author Jha V.
dc.contributor.author Kumar V.
dc.contributor.author Mohanty A. K.
dc.contributor.author Netrakanti P. K.
dc.contributor.author Pant L. M.
dc.contributor.author Shukla P.
dc.contributor.author Topkar A.
dc.contributor.author Aziz T.
dc.contributor.author Dugad S.
dc.contributor.author Kole G.
dc.contributor.author Mahakud B.
dc.contributor.author Mitra S.
dc.contributor.author Mohanty G. B.
dc.contributor.author Parida B.
dc.contributor.author Sur N.
dc.contributor.author Sutar B.
dc.contributor.author Banerjee S.
dc.contributor.author Dewanjee R. K.
dc.contributor.author Ganguly S.
dc.contributor.author Guchait M.
dc.contributor.author Jain Sa.
dc.contributor.author Kumar S.
dc.contributor.author Maity M.
dc.contributor.author Majumder G.
dc.contributor.author Mazumdar K.
dc.contributor.author Sarkar T.
dc.contributor.author Wickramage N.
dc.contributor.author Chauhan S.
dc.contributor.author Dube S.
dc.contributor.author Hegde V.
dc.contributor.author Kapoor A.
dc.contributor.author Kothekar K.
dc.contributor.author Pandey S.
dc.contributor.author Rane A.
dc.contributor.author Sharma S.
dc.contributor.author Chenarani S.
dc.contributor.author Tadavani E. Eskandari
dc.contributor.author Etesami S. M.
dc.contributor.author Khakzad M.
dc.contributor.author Najafabadi M. Mohammadi
dc.contributor.author Naseri M.
dc.contributor.author Mehdiabadi S. Paktinat
dc.contributor.author Hosseinabadi F. Rezaei
dc.contributor.author Safarzadeh B.
dc.contributor.author Zeinali M.
dc.contributor.author Felcini M.
dc.contributor.author Grunewald M.
dc.contributor.author Abbrescia M.
dc.contributor.author Calabria C.
dc.contributor.author Caputo C.
dc.contributor.author Colaleo A.
dc.contributor.author Creanza D.
dc.contributor.author Cristella L.
dc.contributor.author De Filippis N.
dc.contributor.author De Palma M.
dc.contributor.author Fiore L.
dc.contributor.author Iaselli G.
dc.contributor.author Maggi G.
dc.contributor.author Maggi M.
dc.contributor.author Miniello G.
dc.contributor.author My S.
dc.contributor.author Nuzzo S.
dc.contributor.author Pompili A.
dc.contributor.author Pugliese G.
dc.contributor.author Radogna R.
dc.contributor.author Ranieri A.
dc.contributor.author Selvaggi G.
dc.contributor.author Sharma A.
dc.contributor.author Silvestris L.
dc.contributor.author Venditti R.
dc.contributor.author Verwilligen P.
dc.contributor.author Abbiendi G.
dc.contributor.author Battilana C.
dc.contributor.author Bonacorsi D.
dc.contributor.author Braibant-Giacomelli S.
dc.contributor.author Brigliadori L.
dc.contributor.author Campanini R.
dc.contributor.author Capiluppi P.
dc.contributor.author Castro A.
dc.contributor.author Cavallo F. R.
dc.contributor.author Chhibra S. S.
dc.contributor.author Codispoti G.
dc.contributor.author Cuffiani M.
dc.contributor.author Dallavalle G. M.
dc.contributor.author Fabbri F.
dc.contributor.author Fanfani A.
dc.contributor.author Fasanella D.
dc.contributor.author Giacomelli P.
dc.contributor.author Grandi C.
dc.contributor.author Guiducci L.
dc.contributor.author Marcellini S.
dc.contributor.author Masetti G.
dc.contributor.author Montanari A.
dc.contributor.author Navarria F. L.
dc.contributor.author Perrotta A.
dc.contributor.author Rossi A. M.
dc.contributor.author Rovelli T.
dc.contributor.author Siroli G. P.
dc.contributor.author Tosi N.
dc.contributor.author Albergo S.
dc.contributor.author Costa S.
dc.contributor.author Di Mattia A.
dc.contributor.author Giordano F.
dc.contributor.author Potenza R.
dc.contributor.author Tricomi A.
dc.contributor.author Tuve C.
dc.contributor.author Barbagli G.
dc.contributor.author Ciulli V.
dc.contributor.author Civinini C.
dc.contributor.author D'Alessandro R.
dc.contributor.author Focardi E.
dc.contributor.author Lenzi P.
dc.contributor.author Meschini M.
dc.contributor.author Paoletti S.
dc.contributor.author Russo L.
dc.contributor.author Sguazzoni G.
dc.contributor.author Strom D.
dc.contributor.author Viliani L.
dc.contributor.author Benussi L.
dc.contributor.author Bianco S.
dc.contributor.author Fabbri F.
dc.contributor.author Piccolo D.
dc.contributor.author Primavera F.
dc.contributor.author Calvelli V.
dc.contributor.author Ferro F.
dc.contributor.author Monge M. R.
dc.contributor.author Robutti E.
dc.contributor.author Tosi S.
dc.contributor.author Brianza L.
dc.contributor.author Brivio F.
dc.contributor.author Ciriolo V.
dc.contributor.author Dinardo M. E.
dc.contributor.author Fiorendi S.
dc.contributor.author Gennai S.
dc.contributor.author Ghezzi A.
dc.contributor.author Govoni P.
dc.contributor.author Malberti M.
dc.contributor.author Malvezzi S.
dc.contributor.author Manzoni R. A.
dc.contributor.author Menasce D.
dc.contributor.author Moroni L.
dc.contributor.author Paganoni M.
dc.contributor.author Pedrini D.
dc.contributor.author Pigazzini S.
dc.contributor.author Ragazzi S.
dc.contributor.author de Fatis T. Tabarelli
dc.contributor.author Buontempo S.
dc.contributor.author Cavallo N.
dc.contributor.author De Nardo G.
dc.contributor.author Di Guida S.
dc.contributor.author Fabozzi F.
dc.contributor.author Fienga F.
dc.contributor.author Iorio A. O. M.
dc.contributor.author Lista L.
dc.contributor.author Meola S.
dc.contributor.author Paolucci P.
dc.contributor.author Sciacca C.
dc.contributor.author Thyssen F.
dc.contributor.author Azzi P.
dc.contributor.author Bacchetta N.
dc.contributor.author Benato L.
dc.contributor.author Bisello D.
dc.contributor.author Boletti A.
dc.contributor.author Carlin R.
dc.contributor.author De Oliveira A. Carvalho Antunes
dc.contributor.author Checchia P.
dc.contributor.author Dall'Osso M.
dc.contributor.author Manzano P. De Castro
dc.contributor.author Dorigo T.
dc.contributor.author Dosselli U.
dc.contributor.author Gasparini F.
dc.contributor.author Gasparini U.
dc.contributor.author Gozzelino A.
dc.contributor.author Lacaprara S.
dc.contributor.author Margoni M.
dc.contributor.author Meneguzzo A. T.
dc.contributor.author Pazzini J.
dc.contributor.author Pozzobon N.
dc.contributor.author Ronchese P.
dc.contributor.author Simonetto F.
dc.contributor.author Torassa E.
dc.contributor.author Zanetti M.
dc.contributor.author Zotto P.
dc.contributor.author Zumerle G.
dc.contributor.author Braghieri A.
dc.contributor.author Fallavollita F.
dc.contributor.author Magnani A.
dc.contributor.author Montagna P.
dc.contributor.author Ratti S. P.
dc.contributor.author Re V.
dc.contributor.author Riccardi C.
dc.contributor.author Salvini P.
dc.contributor.author Vai I.
dc.contributor.author Vitulo P.
dc.contributor.author Solestizi L. Alunni
dc.contributor.author Bilei G. M.
dc.contributor.author Ciangottini D.
dc.contributor.author Fano L.
dc.contributor.author Lariccia P.
dc.contributor.author Leonardi R.
dc.contributor.author Mantovani G.
dc.contributor.author Menichelli M.
dc.contributor.author Saha A.
dc.contributor.author Santocchia A.
dc.contributor.author Androsov K.
dc.contributor.author Azzurri P.
dc.contributor.author Bagliesi G.
dc.contributor.author Bernardini J.
dc.contributor.author Boccali T.
dc.contributor.author Castaldi R.
dc.contributor.author Ciocci M. A.
dc.contributor.author Dell'Orso R.
dc.contributor.author Donato S.
dc.contributor.author Fedi G.
dc.contributor.author Giassi A.
dc.contributor.author Grippo M. T.
dc.contributor.author Ligabue F.
dc.contributor.author Lomtadze T.
dc.contributor.author Martini L.
dc.contributor.author Messineo A.
dc.contributor.author Palla F.
dc.contributor.author Rizzi A.
dc.contributor.author Savoy-Navarro A.
dc.contributor.author Spagnolo P.
dc.contributor.author Tenchini R.
dc.contributor.author Tonelli G.
dc.contributor.author Venturi A.
dc.contributor.author Verdini P. G.
dc.contributor.author Barone L.
dc.contributor.author Cavallari F.
dc.contributor.author Cipriani M.
dc.contributor.author Del Re D.
dc.contributor.author Diemoz M.
dc.contributor.author Gelli S.
dc.contributor.author Longo E.
dc.contributor.author Margaroli F.
dc.contributor.author Marzocchi B.
dc.contributor.author Meridiani P.
dc.contributor.author Organtini G.
dc.contributor.author Paramatti R.
dc.contributor.author Preiato F.
dc.contributor.author Rahatlou S.
dc.contributor.author Rovelli C.
dc.contributor.author Santanastasio F.
dc.contributor.author Amapane N.
dc.contributor.author Arcidiacono R.
dc.contributor.author Argiro S.
dc.contributor.author Arneodo M.
dc.contributor.author Bartosik N.
dc.contributor.author Bellan R.
dc.contributor.author Biino C.
dc.contributor.author Cartiglia N.
dc.contributor.author Cenna F.
dc.contributor.author Costa M.
dc.contributor.author Covarelli R.
dc.contributor.author Degano A.
dc.contributor.author Demaria N.
dc.contributor.author Finco L.
dc.contributor.author Kiani B.
dc.contributor.author Mariotti C.
dc.contributor.author Maselli S.
dc.contributor.author Migliore E.
dc.contributor.author Monaco V.
dc.contributor.author Monteil E.
dc.contributor.author Monteno M.
dc.contributor.author Obertino M. M.
dc.contributor.author Pacher L.
dc.contributor.author Pastrone N.
dc.contributor.author Pelliccioni M.
dc.contributor.author Angioni G. L. Pinna
dc.contributor.author Ravera F.
dc.contributor.author Romero A.
dc.contributor.author Ruspa M.
dc.contributor.author Sacchi R.
dc.contributor.author Shchelina K.
dc.contributor.author Sola V.
dc.contributor.author Solano A.
dc.contributor.author Staiano A.
dc.contributor.author Traczyk P.
dc.contributor.author Belforte S.
dc.contributor.author Casarsa M.
dc.contributor.author Cossutti F.
dc.contributor.author Della Ricca G.
dc.contributor.author Zanetti A.
dc.contributor.author Kim D. H.
dc.contributor.author Kim G. N.
dc.contributor.author Kim M. S.
dc.contributor.author Lee S.
dc.contributor.author Lee S. W.
dc.contributor.author Oh Y. D.
dc.contributor.author Sekmen S.
dc.contributor.author Son D. C.
dc.contributor.author Yang Y. C.
dc.contributor.author Lee A.
dc.contributor.author Kim H.
dc.contributor.author Cifuentes J. A. Brochero
dc.contributor.author Kim T. J.
dc.contributor.author Cho S.
dc.contributor.author Choi S.
dc.contributor.author Go Y.
dc.contributor.author Gyun D.
dc.contributor.author Ha S.
dc.contributor.author Hong B.
dc.contributor.author Jo Y.
dc.contributor.author Kim Y.
dc.contributor.author Lee K.
dc.contributor.author Lee K. S.
dc.contributor.author Lee S.
dc.contributor.author Lim J.
dc.contributor.author Park S. K.
dc.contributor.author Roh Y.
dc.contributor.author Almond J.
dc.contributor.author Kim J.
dc.contributor.author Lee H.
dc.contributor.author Oh S. B.
dc.contributor.author Radburn-Smith B. C.
dc.contributor.author Seo S. H.
dc.contributor.author Yang U. K.
dc.contributor.author Yoo H. D.
dc.contributor.author Yu G. B.
dc.contributor.author Choi M.
dc.contributor.author Kim H.
dc.contributor.author Kim J. H.
dc.contributor.author Lee J. S. H.
dc.contributor.author Park I. C.
dc.contributor.author Ryu G.
dc.contributor.author Ryu M. S.
dc.contributor.author Choi Y.
dc.contributor.author Goh J.
dc.contributor.author Hwang C.
dc.contributor.author Lee J.
dc.contributor.author Yu I.
dc.contributor.author Dudenas V.
dc.contributor.author Juodagalvis A.
dc.contributor.author Vaitkus J.
dc.contributor.author Ahmed I.
dc.contributor.author Ibrahim Z. A.
dc.contributor.author Ali M. A. B. Md
dc.contributor.author Idris F. Mohamad
dc.contributor.author Abdullah W. A. T. Wan
dc.contributor.author Yusli M. N.
dc.contributor.author Zolkapli Z.
dc.contributor.author Castilla-Valdez H.
dc.contributor.author De La Cruz-Burelo E.
dc.contributor.author Heredia-De La Cruz I.
dc.contributor.author Hernandez-Almada A.
dc.contributor.author Lopez-Fernandez R.
dc.contributor.author Magana Villalba R.
dc.contributor.author Mejia Guisao J.
dc.contributor.author Sanchez-Hernandez A.
dc.contributor.author Carrillo Moreno S.
dc.contributor.author Oropeza Barrera C.
dc.contributor.author Vazquez Valencia F.
dc.contributor.author Carpinteyro S.
dc.contributor.author Pedraza I.
dc.contributor.author Salazar Ibarguen H. A.
dc.contributor.author Uribe Estrada C.
dc.contributor.author Morelos Pineda A.
dc.contributor.author Krofcheck D.
dc.contributor.author Butler P. H.
dc.contributor.author Ahmad A.
dc.contributor.author Ahmad M.
dc.contributor.author Hassan Q.
dc.contributor.author Hoorani H. R.
dc.contributor.author Khan W. A.
dc.contributor.author Saddique A.
dc.contributor.author Shah M. A.
dc.contributor.author Shoaib M.
dc.contributor.author Waqas M.
dc.contributor.author Bialkowska H.
dc.contributor.author Bluj M.
dc.contributor.author Boimska B.
dc.contributor.author Frueboes T.
dc.contributor.author Gorski M.
dc.contributor.author Kazana M.
dc.contributor.author Nawrocki K.
dc.contributor.author Romanowska-Rybinska K.
dc.contributor.author Szleper M.
dc.contributor.author Zalewski P.
dc.contributor.author Bunkowski K.
dc.contributor.author Byszuk A.
dc.contributor.author Doroba K.
dc.contributor.author Kalinowski A.
dc.contributor.author Konecki M.
dc.contributor.author Krolikowski J.
dc.contributor.author Misiura M.
dc.contributor.author Olszewski M.
dc.contributor.author Walczak M.
dc.contributor.author Bargassa P.
dc.contributor.author Beirao Da Cruz E Silva C.
dc.contributor.author Calpas B.
dc.contributor.author Di Francesco A.
dc.contributor.author Faccioli P.
dc.contributor.author Ferreira Parracho P. G.
dc.contributor.author Gallinaro M.
dc.contributor.author Hollar J.
dc.contributor.author Leonardo N.
dc.contributor.author Lloret Iglesias L.
dc.contributor.author Nemallapudi M. V.
dc.contributor.author Rodrigues Antunes J.
dc.contributor.author Seixas J.
dc.contributor.author Toldaiev O.
dc.contributor.author Vadruccio D.
dc.contributor.author Varela J.
dc.contributor.author Alexakhin V.
dc.contributor.author Belotelov I.
dc.contributor.author Bunin P.
dc.contributor.author Gavrilenko M.
dc.contributor.author Golutvin I.
dc.contributor.author Gorbunov I.
dc.contributor.author Karjavin V.
dc.contributor.author Lanev A.
dc.contributor.author Malakhov A.
dc.contributor.author Matveev V.
dc.contributor.author Palichik V.
dc.contributor.author Perelygin V.
dc.contributor.author Savina M.
dc.contributor.author Shmatov S.
dc.contributor.author Shulha S.
dc.contributor.author Skatchkov N.
dc.contributor.author Smirnov V.
dc.contributor.author Zarubin A.
dc.contributor.author Chtchipounov L.
dc.contributor.author Golovtsov V.
dc.contributor.author Ivanov Y.
dc.contributor.author Kim V.
dc.contributor.author Kuznetsova E.
dc.contributor.author Murzin V.
dc.contributor.author Oreshkin V.
dc.contributor.author Sulimov V.
dc.contributor.author Vorobyev A.
dc.contributor.author Andreev Yu.
dc.contributor.author Dermenev A.
dc.contributor.author Gninenko S.
dc.contributor.author Golubev N.
dc.contributor.author Karneyeu A.
dc.contributor.author Kirsanov M.
dc.contributor.author Krasnikov N.
dc.contributor.author Pashenkov A.
dc.contributor.author Tlisov D.
dc.contributor.author Toropin A.
dc.contributor.author Epshteyn V.
dc.contributor.author Gavrilov V.
dc.contributor.author Lychkovskaya N.
dc.contributor.author Popov V.
dc.contributor.author Pozdnyakov I.
dc.contributor.author Safronov G.
dc.contributor.author Spiridonov A.
dc.contributor.author Toms M.
dc.contributor.author Vlasov E.
dc.contributor.author Zhokin A.
dc.contributor.author Aushev T.
dc.contributor.author Bylinkin A.
dc.contributor.author Chadeeva M.
dc.contributor.author Markin O.
dc.contributor.author Tarkovskii E.
dc.contributor.author Andreev V.
dc.contributor.author Azarkin M.
dc.contributor.author Dremin I.
dc.contributor.author Kirakosyan M.
dc.contributor.author Leonidov A.
dc.contributor.author Terkulov A.
dc.contributor.author Baskakov A.
dc.contributor.author Belyaev A.
dc.contributor.author Boos E.
dc.contributor.author Bunichev V.
dc.contributor.author Dubinin M.
dc.contributor.author Dudko L.
dc.contributor.author Ershov A.
dc.contributor.author Gribushin A.
dc.contributor.author Klyukhin V.
dc.contributor.author Kodolova O.
dc.contributor.author Lokhtin I.
dc.contributor.author Miagkov I.
dc.contributor.author Obraztsov S.
dc.contributor.author Petrushanko S.
dc.contributor.author Savrin V.
dc.contributor.author Blinov V.
dc.contributor.author Skovpen Y.
dc.contributor.author Shtol D.
dc.contributor.author Azhgirey I.
dc.contributor.author Bayshev I.
dc.contributor.author Bitioukov S.
dc.contributor.author Elumakhov D.
dc.contributor.author Kachanov V.
dc.contributor.author Kalinin A.
dc.contributor.author Konstantinov D.
dc.contributor.author Krychkine V.
dc.contributor.author Petrov V.
dc.contributor.author Ryutin R.
dc.contributor.author Sobol A.
dc.contributor.author Troshin S.
dc.contributor.author Tyurin N.
dc.contributor.author Uzunian A.
dc.contributor.author Volkov A.
dc.contributor.author Adzic P.
dc.contributor.author Cirkovic P.
dc.contributor.author Devetak D.
dc.contributor.author Dordevic M.
dc.contributor.author Milosevic J.
dc.contributor.author Rekovic V.
dc.contributor.author Alcaraz Maestre J.
dc.contributor.author Barrio Luna M.
dc.contributor.author Calvo E.
dc.contributor.author Cerrada M.
dc.contributor.author Chamizo Llatas M.
dc.contributor.author Colino N.
dc.contributor.author De La Cruz B.
dc.contributor.author Delgado Peris A.
dc.contributor.author Escalante Del Valle A.
dc.contributor.author Fernandez Bedoya C.
dc.contributor.author Fernandez Ramos J. P.
dc.contributor.author Flix J.
dc.contributor.author Fouz M. C.
dc.contributor.author Garcia-Abia P.
dc.contributor.author Gonzalez Lopez O.
dc.contributor.author Goy Lopez S.
dc.contributor.author Hernandez J. M.
dc.contributor.author Josa M. I.
dc.contributor.author Navarro De Martino E.
dc.contributor.author Perez-CaleroYzquierdo A.
dc.contributor.author Puerta Pelayo J.
dc.contributor.author Quintario Olmeda A.
dc.contributor.author Redondo I.
dc.contributor.author Romero L.
dc.contributor.author Soares M. S.
dc.contributor.author de Troconiz J. F.
dc.contributor.author Missiroli M.
dc.contributor.author Moran D.
dc.contributor.author Cuevas J.
dc.contributor.author Fernandez Menendez J.
dc.contributor.author Gonzalez Caballero I.
dc.contributor.author Gonzalez Fernandez J. R.
dc.contributor.author Palencia Cortezon E.
dc.contributor.author Sanchez Cruz S.
dc.contributor.author Suarez Andres I.
dc.contributor.author Vischia P.
dc.contributor.author Vizan Garcia J. M.
dc.contributor.author Cabrillo I. J.
dc.contributor.author Calderon A.
dc.contributor.author Curras E.
dc.contributor.author Fernandez M.
dc.contributor.author Garcia-Ferrero J.
dc.contributor.author Gomez G.
dc.contributor.author Lopez Virto A.
dc.contributor.author Marco J.
dc.contributor.author Martinez Rivero C.
dc.contributor.author Matorras F.
dc.contributor.author Piedra Gomez J.
dc.contributor.author Rodrigo T.
dc.contributor.author Ruiz-Jimeno A.
dc.contributor.author Scodellaro L.
dc.contributor.author Trevisani N.
dc.contributor.author Vila I.
dc.contributor.author Vilar Cortabitarte R.
dc.contributor.author Abbaneo D.
dc.contributor.author Auffray E.
dc.contributor.author Auzinger G.
dc.contributor.author Baillon P.
dc.contributor.author Ball A. H.
dc.contributor.author Barney D.
dc.contributor.author Bloch P.
dc.contributor.author Bocci A.
dc.contributor.author Botta C.
dc.contributor.author Camporesi T.
dc.contributor.author Castello R.
dc.contributor.author Cepeda M.
dc.contributor.author Cerminara G.
dc.contributor.author Chen Y.
dc.contributor.author d'Enterria D.
dc.contributor.author Dabrowski A.
dc.contributor.author Daponte V.
dc.contributor.author David A.
dc.contributor.author De Gruttola M.
dc.contributor.author De Roeck A.
dc.contributor.author Di Marco E.
dc.contributor.author Dobson M.
dc.contributor.author Dorney B.
dc.contributor.author du Pree T.
dc.contributor.author Duggan D.
dc.contributor.author Dunser M.
dc.contributor.author Dupont N.
dc.contributor.author Elliott-Peisert A.
dc.contributor.author Everaerts P.
dc.contributor.author Fartoukh S.
dc.contributor.author Franzoni G.
dc.contributor.author Fulcher J.
dc.contributor.author Funk W.
dc.contributor.author Gigi D.
dc.contributor.author Gill K.
dc.contributor.author Girone M.
dc.contributor.author Glege F.
dc.contributor.author Gulhan D.
dc.contributor.author Gundacker S.
dc.contributor.author Guthoff M.
dc.contributor.author Harris P.
dc.contributor.author Hegeman J.
dc.contributor.author Innocente V.
dc.contributor.author Janot P.
dc.contributor.author Kieseler J.
dc.contributor.author Kirschenmann H.
dc.contributor.author Knunz V.
dc.contributor.author Kornmayer A.
dc.contributor.author Kortelainen M. J.
dc.contributor.author Kousouris K.
dc.contributor.author Krammer M.
dc.contributor.author Lange C.
dc.contributor.author Lecoq P.
dc.contributor.author Lourenco C.
dc.contributor.author Lucchini M. T.
dc.contributor.author Malgeri L.
dc.contributor.author Mannelli M.
dc.contributor.author Martelli A.
dc.contributor.author Meijers F.
dc.contributor.author Merlin J. A.
dc.contributor.author Mersi S.
dc.contributor.author Meschi E.
dc.contributor.author Milenovic P.
dc.contributor.author Moortgat F.
dc.contributor.author Morovic S.
dc.contributor.author Mulders M.
dc.contributor.author Neugebauer H.
dc.contributor.author Orfanelli S.
dc.contributor.author Orsini L.
dc.contributor.author Pape L.
dc.contributor.author Perez E.
dc.contributor.author Peruzzi M.
dc.contributor.author Petrilli A.
dc.contributor.author Petrucciani G.
dc.contributor.author Pfeiffer A.
dc.contributor.author Pierini M.
dc.contributor.author Racz A.
dc.contributor.author Reis T.
dc.contributor.author Rolandi G.
dc.contributor.author Rovere M.
dc.contributor.author Sakulin H.
dc.contributor.author Sauvan J. B.
dc.contributor.author Schafer C.
dc.contributor.author Schwick C.
dc.contributor.author Seidel M.
dc.contributor.author Sharma A.
dc.contributor.author Silva P.
dc.contributor.author Sphicas P.
dc.contributor.author Steggemann J.
dc.contributor.author Stoye M.
dc.contributor.author Takahashi Y.
dc.contributor.author Tosi M.
dc.contributor.author Treille D.
dc.contributor.author Triossi A.
dc.contributor.author Tsirou A.
dc.contributor.author Veckalns V.
dc.contributor.author Veres G. I.
dc.contributor.author Verweij M.
dc.contributor.author Wardle N.
dc.contributor.author Wohri H. K.
dc.contributor.author Zagozdzinska A.
dc.contributor.author Zeuner W. D.
dc.contributor.author Bertl W.
dc.contributor.author Deiters K.
dc.contributor.author Erdmann W.
dc.contributor.author Horisberger R.
dc.contributor.author Ingram Q.
dc.contributor.author Kaestli H. C.
dc.contributor.author Kotlinski D.
dc.contributor.author Langenegger U.
dc.contributor.author Rohe T.
dc.contributor.author Wiederkehr S. A.
dc.contributor.author Bachmair F.
dc.contributor.author Bani L.
dc.contributor.author Bianchini L.
dc.contributor.author Casal B.
dc.contributor.author Dissertori G.
dc.contributor.author Dittmar M.
dc.contributor.author Donega M.
dc.contributor.author Grab C.
dc.contributor.author Heidegger C.
dc.contributor.author Hits D.
dc.contributor.author Hoss J.
dc.contributor.author Kasieczka G.
dc.contributor.author Lustermann W.
dc.contributor.author Mangano B.
dc.contributor.author Marionneau M.
dc.contributor.author del Arbol P. Martinez Ruiz
dc.contributor.author Masciovecchio M.
dc.contributor.author Meinhard M. T.
dc.contributor.author Meister D.
dc.contributor.author Micheli F.
dc.contributor.author Musella P.
dc.contributor.author Nessi-Tedaldi F.
dc.contributor.author Pandolfi F.
dc.contributor.author Pata J.
dc.contributor.author Pauss F.
dc.contributor.author Perrin G.
dc.contributor.author Perrozzi L.
dc.contributor.author Quittnat M.
dc.contributor.author Rossini M.
dc.contributor.author Schonenberger M.
dc.contributor.author Starodumov A.
dc.contributor.author Tavolaro V. R.
dc.contributor.author Theofilatos K.
dc.contributor.author Wallny R.
dc.contributor.author Aarrestad T. K.
dc.contributor.author Amsler C.
dc.contributor.author Caminada L.
dc.contributor.author Canelli M. F.
dc.contributor.author De Cosa A.
dc.contributor.author Galloni C.
dc.contributor.author Hinzmann A.
dc.contributor.author Hreus T.
dc.contributor.author Kilminster B.
dc.contributor.author Ngadiuba J.
dc.contributor.author Pinna D.
dc.contributor.author Rauco G.
dc.contributor.author Robmann P.
dc.contributor.author Salerno D.
dc.contributor.author Seitz C.
dc.contributor.author Yang Y.
dc.contributor.author Zucchetta A.
dc.contributor.author Candelise V.
dc.contributor.author Doan T. H.
dc.contributor.author Jain Sh.
dc.contributor.author Khurana R.
dc.contributor.author Konyushikhin M.
dc.contributor.author Kuo C. M.
dc.contributor.author Lin W.
dc.contributor.author Pozdnyakov A.
dc.contributor.author Yu S. S.
dc.contributor.author Kumar Arun
dc.contributor.author Chang P.
dc.contributor.author Chang Y. H.
dc.contributor.author Chao Y.
dc.contributor.author Chen K. F.
dc.contributor.author Chen P. H.
dc.contributor.author Fiori F.
dc.contributor.author Hou W. -S.
dc.contributor.author Hsiung Y.
dc.contributor.author Liu Y. F.
dc.contributor.author Lu R. -S.
dc.contributor.author Moya M. Minano
dc.contributor.author Paganis E.
dc.contributor.author Psallidas A.
dc.contributor.author Tsai J. F.
dc.contributor.author Asavapibhop B.
dc.contributor.author Singh G.
dc.contributor.author Srimanobhas N.
dc.contributor.author Suwonjandee N.
dc.contributor.author Adiguzel A.
dc.contributor.author Cerci S.
dc.contributor.author Damarseckin S.
dc.contributor.author Demiroglu Z. S.
dc.contributor.author Dozen C.
dc.contributor.author Dumanoglu I.
dc.contributor.author Girgis S.
dc.contributor.author Gokbulut G.
dc.contributor.author Guler Y.
dc.contributor.author Hos I.
dc.contributor.author Kangal E. E.
dc.contributor.author Kara O.
dc.contributor.author Topaksu A. Kayis
dc.contributor.author Kiminsu U.
dc.contributor.author Oglakci M.
dc.contributor.author Onengut G.
dc.contributor.author Ozdemir K.
dc.contributor.author Cerci D. Sunar
dc.contributor.author Topakli H.
dc.contributor.author Turkcapar S.
dc.contributor.author Zorbakir I. S.
dc.contributor.author Zorbilmez C.
dc.contributor.author Bilin B.
dc.contributor.author Bilmis S.
dc.contributor.author Isildak B.
dc.contributor.author Karapinar G.
dc.contributor.author Yalvac M.
dc.contributor.author Zeyrek M.
dc.contributor.author Gulmez E.
dc.contributor.author Kaya M.
dc.contributor.author Kaya O.
dc.contributor.author Yetkin E. A.
dc.contributor.author Yetkin T.
dc.contributor.author Cakir A.
dc.contributor.author Cankocak K.
dc.contributor.author Sen S.
dc.contributor.author Grynyov B.
dc.contributor.author Levchuk L.
dc.contributor.author Sorokin P.
dc.contributor.author Aggleton R.
dc.contributor.author Ball F.
dc.contributor.author Beck L.
dc.contributor.author Brooke J. J.
dc.contributor.author Burns D.
dc.contributor.author Clement E.
dc.contributor.author Cussans D.
dc.contributor.author Flacher H.
dc.contributor.author Goldstein J.
dc.contributor.author Grimes M.
dc.contributor.author Heath G. P.
dc.contributor.author Heath H. F.
dc.contributor.author Jacob J.
dc.contributor.author Kreczko L.
dc.contributor.author Lucas C.
dc.contributor.author Newbold D. M.
dc.contributor.author Paramesvaran S.
dc.contributor.author Poll A.
dc.contributor.author Sakuma T.
dc.contributor.author El Nasr-Storey S. Seif
dc.contributor.author Smith D.
dc.contributor.author Smith V. J.
dc.contributor.author Bell K. W.
dc.contributor.author Belyaev A.
dc.contributor.author Brew C.
dc.contributor.author Brown R. M.
dc.contributor.author Calligaris L.
dc.contributor.author Cieri D.
dc.contributor.author Cockerill D. J. A.
dc.contributor.author Coughlan J. A.
dc.contributor.author Harder K.
dc.contributor.author Harper S.
dc.contributor.author Olaiya E.
dc.contributor.author Petyt D.
dc.contributor.author Shepherd-Themistocleous C. H.
dc.contributor.author Thea A.
dc.contributor.author Tomalin I. R.
dc.contributor.author Williams T.
dc.contributor.author Baber M.
dc.contributor.author Bainbridge R.
dc.contributor.author Buchmuller O.
dc.contributor.author Bundock A.
dc.contributor.author Burton D.
dc.contributor.author Casasso S.
dc.contributor.author Citron M.
dc.contributor.author Colling D.
dc.contributor.author Corpe L.
dc.contributor.author Dauncey P.
dc.contributor.author Davies G.
dc.contributor.author De Wit A.
dc.contributor.author Della Negra M.
dc.contributor.author Di Maria R.
dc.contributor.author Dunne P.
dc.contributor.author Elwood A.
dc.contributor.author Futyan D.
dc.contributor.author Haddad Y.
dc.contributor.author Hall G.
dc.contributor.author Iles G.
dc.contributor.author James T.
dc.contributor.author Lane R.
dc.contributor.author Laner C.
dc.contributor.author Lucas R.
dc.contributor.author Lyons L.
dc.contributor.author Magnan A. -M.
dc.contributor.author Malik S.
dc.contributor.author Mastrolorenzo L.
dc.contributor.author Nash J.
dc.contributor.author Nikitenko A.
dc.contributor.author Pela J.
dc.contributor.author Penning B.
dc.contributor.author Pesaresi M.
dc.contributor.author Raymond D. M.
dc.contributor.author Richards A.
dc.contributor.author Rose A.
dc.contributor.author Scott E.
dc.contributor.author Seez C.
dc.contributor.author Summers S.
dc.contributor.author Tapper A.
dc.contributor.author Uchida K.
dc.contributor.author Acosta M. Vazquez
dc.contributor.author Virdee T.
dc.contributor.author Wright J.
dc.contributor.author Zenz S. C.
dc.contributor.author Cole J. E.
dc.contributor.author Hobson P. R.
dc.contributor.author Khan A.
dc.contributor.author Kyberd P.
dc.contributor.author Reid I. D.
dc.contributor.author Symonds P.
dc.contributor.author Teodorescu L.
dc.contributor.author Turner M.
dc.contributor.author Borzou A.
dc.contributor.author Call K.
dc.contributor.author Dittmann J.
dc.contributor.author Hatakeyama K.
dc.contributor.author Liu H.
dc.contributor.author Pastika N.
dc.contributor.author Bartek R.
dc.contributor.author Dominguez A.
dc.contributor.author Buccilli A.
dc.contributor.author Cooper S. I.
dc.contributor.author Henderson C.
dc.contributor.author Rumerio P.
dc.contributor.author West C.
dc.contributor.author Arcaro D.
dc.contributor.author Avetisyan A.
dc.contributor.author Bose T.
dc.contributor.author Gastler D.
dc.contributor.author Rankin D.
dc.contributor.author Richardson C.
dc.contributor.author Rohlf J.
dc.contributor.author Sulak L.
dc.contributor.author Zou D.
dc.contributor.author Benelli G.
dc.contributor.author Cutts D.
dc.contributor.author Garabedian A.
dc.contributor.author Hakala J.
dc.contributor.author Heintz U.
dc.contributor.author Hogan J. M.
dc.contributor.author Jesus O.
dc.contributor.author Kwok K. H. M.
dc.contributor.author Laird E.
dc.contributor.author Landsberg G.
dc.contributor.author Mao Z.
dc.contributor.author Narain M.
dc.contributor.author Piperov S.
dc.contributor.author Sagir S.
dc.contributor.author Spencer E.
dc.contributor.author Syarif R.
dc.contributor.author Breedon R.
dc.contributor.author Burns D.
dc.contributor.author Sanchez M. Calderon De La Barca
dc.contributor.author Chauhan S.
dc.contributor.author Chertok M.
dc.contributor.author Conway J.
dc.contributor.author Conway R.
dc.contributor.author Cox P. T.
dc.contributor.author Erbacher R.
dc.contributor.author Flores C.
dc.contributor.author Funk G.
dc.contributor.author Gardner M.
dc.contributor.author Ko W.
dc.contributor.author Lander R.
dc.contributor.author Mclean C.
dc.contributor.author Mulhearn M.
dc.contributor.author Pellett D.
dc.contributor.author Pilot J.
dc.contributor.author Shalhout S.
dc.contributor.author Shi M.
dc.contributor.author Smith J.
dc.contributor.author Squires M.
dc.contributor.author Stolp D.
dc.contributor.author Tos K.
dc.contributor.author Tripathi M.
dc.contributor.author Bachtis M.
dc.contributor.author Bravo C.
dc.contributor.author Cousins R.
dc.contributor.author Dasgupta A.
dc.contributor.author Florent A.
dc.contributor.author Hauser J.
dc.contributor.author Ignatenko M.
dc.contributor.author Mccoll N.
dc.contributor.author Saltzberg D.
dc.contributor.author Schnaible C.
dc.contributor.author Valuev V.
dc.contributor.author Weber M.
dc.contributor.author Bouvier E.
dc.contributor.author Burt K.
dc.contributor.author Clare R.
dc.contributor.author Ellison J.
dc.contributor.author Gary J. W.
dc.contributor.author Shirazi S. M. A. Ghiasi
dc.contributor.author Hanson G.
dc.contributor.author Heilman J.
dc.contributor.author Jandir P.
dc.contributor.author Kennedy E.
dc.contributor.author Lacroix F.
dc.contributor.author Long O. R.
dc.contributor.author Negrete M. Olmedo
dc.contributor.author Paneva M. I.
dc.contributor.author Shrinivas A.
dc.contributor.author Si W.
dc.contributor.author Wei H.
dc.contributor.author Wimpenny S.
dc.contributor.author Yates B. R.
dc.contributor.author Branson J. G.
dc.contributor.author Cerati G. B.
dc.contributor.author Cittolin S.
dc.contributor.author Derdzinski M.
dc.contributor.author Gerosa R.
dc.contributor.author Holzner A.
dc.contributor.author Klein D.
dc.contributor.author Krutelyov V.
dc.contributor.author Letts J.
dc.contributor.author Macneill I.
dc.contributor.author Olivito D.
dc.contributor.author Padhi S.
dc.contributor.author Pieri M.
dc.contributor.author Sani M.
dc.contributor.author Sharma V.
dc.contributor.author Simon S.
dc.contributor.author Tadel M.
dc.contributor.author Vartak A.
dc.contributor.author Wasserbaech S.
dc.contributor.author Welke C.
dc.contributor.author Wood J.
dc.contributor.author Wurthwein F.
dc.contributor.author Yagil A.
dc.contributor.author Della Porta G. Zevi
dc.contributor.author Amin N.
dc.contributor.author Bhandari R.
dc.contributor.author Bradmiller-Feld J.
dc.contributor.author Campagnari C.
dc.contributor.author Dishaw A.
dc.contributor.author Dutta V.
dc.contributor.author Sevilla M. Franco
dc.contributor.author George C.
dc.contributor.author Golf F.
dc.contributor.author Gouskos L.
dc.contributor.author Gran J.
dc.contributor.author Heller R.
dc.contributor.author Incandela J.
dc.contributor.author Mullin S. D.
dc.contributor.author Ovcharova A.
dc.contributor.author Qu H.
dc.contributor.author Richman J.
dc.contributor.author Stuart D.
dc.contributor.author Suarez I.
dc.contributor.author Yoo J.
dc.contributor.author Anderson D.
dc.contributor.author Bendavid J.
dc.contributor.author Bornheim A.
dc.contributor.author Bunn J.
dc.contributor.author Duarte J.
dc.contributor.author Lawhorn J. M.
dc.contributor.author Mott A.
dc.contributor.author Newman H. B.
dc.contributor.author Pena C.
dc.contributor.author Spiropulu M.
dc.contributor.author Vlimant J. R.
dc.contributor.author Xie S.
dc.contributor.author Zhu R. Y.
dc.contributor.author Andrews M. B.
dc.contributor.author Ferguson T.
dc.contributor.author Paulini M.
dc.contributor.author Russ J.
dc.contributor.author Sun M.
dc.contributor.author Vogel H.
dc.contributor.author Vorobiev I.
dc.contributor.author Weinberg M.
dc.contributor.author Cumalat J. P.
dc.contributor.author Ford W. T.
dc.contributor.author Jensen F.
dc.contributor.author Johnson A.
dc.contributor.author Krohn M.
dc.contributor.author Leontsinis S.
dc.contributor.author Mulholland T.
dc.contributor.author Stenson K.
dc.contributor.author Wagner S. R.
dc.contributor.author Alexander J.
dc.contributor.author Chaves J.
dc.contributor.author Chu J.
dc.contributor.author Dittmer S.
dc.contributor.author Mcdermott K.
dc.contributor.author Mirman N.
dc.contributor.author Kaufman G. Nicolas
dc.contributor.author Patterson J. R.
dc.contributor.author Rinkevicius A.
dc.contributor.author Ryd A.
dc.contributor.author Skinnari L.
dc.contributor.author Soffi L.
dc.contributor.author Tan S. M.
dc.contributor.author Tao Z.
dc.contributor.author Thom J.
dc.contributor.author Tucker J.
dc.contributor.author Wittich P.
dc.contributor.author Zientek M.
dc.contributor.author Winn D.
dc.contributor.author Abdullin S.
dc.contributor.author Albrow M.
dc.contributor.author Apollinari G.
dc.contributor.author Apresyan A.
dc.contributor.author Banerjee S.
dc.contributor.author Bauerdick L. A. T.
dc.contributor.author Beretvas A.
dc.contributor.author Berryhill J.
dc.contributor.author Bhat P. C.
dc.contributor.author Bolla G.
dc.contributor.author Burkett K.
dc.contributor.author Butler J. N.
dc.contributor.author Cheung H. W. K.
dc.contributor.author Chlebana F.
dc.contributor.author Cihangir S.
dc.contributor.author Cremonesi M.
dc.contributor.author Elvira V. D.
dc.contributor.author Fisk I.
dc.contributor.author Freeman J.
dc.contributor.author Gottschalk E.
dc.contributor.author Gray L.
dc.contributor.author Green D.
dc.contributor.author Grunendahl S.
dc.contributor.author Gutsche O.
dc.contributor.author Hare D.
dc.contributor.author Harris R. M.
dc.contributor.author Hasegawa S.
dc.contributor.author Hirschauer J.
dc.contributor.author Hu Z.
dc.contributor.author Jayatilaka B.
dc.contributor.author Jindariani S.
dc.contributor.author Johnson M.
dc.contributor.author Joshi U.
dc.contributor.author Klima B.
dc.contributor.author Kreis B.
dc.contributor.author Lammel S.
dc.contributor.author Linacre J.
dc.contributor.author Lincoln D.
dc.contributor.author Lipton R.
dc.contributor.author Liu M.
dc.contributor.author Liu T.
dc.contributor.author De Sa R. Lopes
dc.contributor.author Lykken J.
dc.contributor.author Maeshima K.
dc.contributor.author Magini N.
dc.contributor.author Marraffino J. M.
dc.contributor.author Maruyama S.
dc.contributor.author Mason D.
dc.contributor.author McBride P.
dc.contributor.author Merkel P.
dc.contributor.author Mrenna S.
dc.contributor.author Nahn S.
dc.contributor.author O'Dell V.
dc.contributor.author Pedro K.
dc.contributor.author Prokofyev O.
dc.contributor.author Rakness G.
dc.contributor.author Ristori L.
dc.contributor.author Sexton-Kennedy E.
dc.contributor.author Soha A.
dc.contributor.author Spalding W. J.
dc.contributor.author Spiegel L.
dc.contributor.author Stoynev S.
dc.contributor.author Strait J.
dc.contributor.author Strobbe N.
dc.contributor.author Taylor L.
dc.contributor.author Tkaczyk S.
dc.contributor.author Tran N. V.
dc.contributor.author Uplegger L.
dc.contributor.author Vaandering E. W.
dc.contributor.author Vernieri C.
dc.contributor.author Verzocchi M.
dc.contributor.author Vidal R.
dc.contributor.author Wang M.
dc.contributor.author Weber H. A.
dc.contributor.author Whitbeck A.
dc.contributor.author Wu Y.
dc.contributor.author Acosta D.
dc.contributor.author Avery P.
dc.contributor.author Bortignon P.
dc.contributor.author Bourilkov D.
dc.contributor.author Brinkerhoff A.
dc.contributor.author Carnes A.
dc.contributor.author Carver M.
dc.contributor.author Curry D.
dc.contributor.author Das S.
dc.contributor.author Field R. D.
dc.contributor.author Furic I. K.
dc.contributor.author Konigsberg J.
dc.contributor.author Korytov A.
dc.contributor.author Low J. F.
dc.contributor.author Ma P.
dc.contributor.author Matchev K.
dc.contributor.author Mei H.
dc.contributor.author Mitselmakher G.
dc.contributor.author Rank D.
dc.contributor.author Shchutska L.
dc.contributor.author Sperka D.
dc.contributor.author Thomas L.
dc.contributor.author Wang J.
dc.contributor.author Wang S.
dc.contributor.author Yelton J.
dc.contributor.author Linn S.
dc.contributor.author Markowitz P.
dc.contributor.author Martinez G.
dc.contributor.author Rodriguez J. L.
dc.contributor.author Ackert A.
dc.contributor.author Adams T.
dc.contributor.author Askew A.
dc.contributor.author Bein S.
dc.contributor.author Hagopian S.
dc.contributor.author Hagopian V.
dc.contributor.author Johnson K. F.
dc.contributor.author Kolberg T.
dc.contributor.author Prosper H.
dc.contributor.author Santra A.
dc.contributor.author Yohay R.
dc.contributor.author Baarmand M. M.
dc.contributor.author Bhopatkar V.
dc.contributor.author Colafranceschi S.
dc.contributor.author Hohlmann M.
dc.contributor.author Noonan D.
dc.contributor.author Roy T.
dc.contributor.author Yumiceva F.
dc.contributor.author Adams M. R.
dc.contributor.author Apanasevich L.
dc.contributor.author Berry D.
dc.contributor.author Betts R. R.
dc.contributor.author Bucinskaite I.
dc.contributor.author Cavanaugh R.
dc.contributor.author Evdokimov O.
dc.contributor.author Gauthier L.
dc.contributor.author Gerber C. E.
dc.contributor.author Hofman D. J.
dc.contributor.author Jung K.
dc.contributor.author Gonzalez I. D. Sandoval
dc.contributor.author Varelas N.
dc.contributor.author Wang H.
dc.contributor.author Wu Z.
dc.contributor.author Zakaria M.
dc.contributor.author Zhang J.
dc.contributor.author Bilki B.
dc.contributor.author Clarida W.
dc.contributor.author Dilsiz K.
dc.contributor.author Durgut S.
dc.contributor.author Gandrajula R. P.
dc.contributor.author Haytmyradov M.
dc.contributor.author Khristenko V.
dc.contributor.author Merlo J. -P.
dc.contributor.author Mermerkaya H.
dc.contributor.author Mestvirishvili A.
dc.contributor.author Moeller A.
dc.contributor.author Nachtman J.
dc.contributor.author Ogul H.
dc.contributor.author Onel Y.
dc.contributor.author Ozok F.
dc.contributor.author Penzo A.
dc.contributor.author Snyder C.
dc.contributor.author Tiras E.
dc.contributor.author Wetzel J.
dc.contributor.author Yi K.
dc.contributor.author Blumenfeld B.
dc.contributor.author Cocoros A.
dc.contributor.author Eminizer N.
dc.contributor.author Fehling D.
dc.contributor.author Feng L.
dc.contributor.author Gritsan A. V.
dc.contributor.author Maksimovic P.
dc.contributor.author Roskes J.
dc.contributor.author Sarica U.
dc.contributor.author Swartz M.
dc.contributor.author Xiao M.
dc.contributor.author You C.
dc.contributor.author Al-Bataineh A.
dc.contributor.author Baringer P.
dc.contributor.author Bean A.
dc.contributor.author Boren S.
dc.contributor.author Bowen J.
dc.contributor.author Castle J.
dc.contributor.author Forthomme L.
dc.contributor.author Kenny R. P. III
dc.contributor.author Khalil S.
dc.contributor.author Kropivnitskaya A.
dc.contributor.author Majumder D.
dc.contributor.author Mcbrayer W.
dc.contributor.author Murray M.
dc.contributor.author Sanders S.
dc.contributor.author Stringer R.
dc.contributor.author Takaki J. D. Tapia
dc.contributor.author Wang Q.
dc.contributor.author Ivanov A.
dc.contributor.author Kaadze K.
dc.contributor.author Maravin Y.
dc.contributor.author Mohammadi A.
dc.contributor.author Saini L. K.
dc.contributor.author Skhirtladze N.
dc.contributor.author Toda S.
dc.contributor.author Rebassoo F.
dc.contributor.author Wright D.
dc.contributor.author Anelli C.
dc.contributor.author Baden A.
dc.contributor.author Baron O.
dc.contributor.author Belloni A.
dc.contributor.author Calvert B.
dc.contributor.author Eno S. C.
dc.contributor.author Ferraioli C.
dc.contributor.author Gomez J. A.
dc.contributor.author Hadley N. J.
dc.contributor.author Jabeen S.
dc.contributor.author Jeng G. Y.
dc.contributor.author Kellogg R. G.
dc.contributor.author Kunkle J.
dc.contributor.author Mignerey A. C.
dc.contributor.author Ricci-Tam F.
dc.contributor.author Shin Y. H.
dc.contributor.author Skuja A.
dc.contributor.author Tonjes M. B.
dc.contributor.author Tonwar S. C.
dc.contributor.author Abercrombie D.
dc.contributor.author Allen B.
dc.contributor.author Apyan A.
dc.contributor.author Azzolini V.
dc.contributor.author Barbieri R.
dc.contributor.author Baty A.
dc.contributor.author Bi R.
dc.contributor.author Bierwagen K.
dc.contributor.author Brandt S.
dc.contributor.author Busza W.
dc.contributor.author Cali I. A.
dc.contributor.author D'Alfonso M.
dc.contributor.author Demiragli Z.
dc.contributor.author Ceballos G. Gomez
dc.contributor.author Goncharov M.
dc.contributor.author Hsu D.
dc.contributor.author Iiyama Y.
dc.contributor.author Innocenti G. M.
dc.contributor.author Klute M.
dc.contributor.author Kovalskyi D.
dc.contributor.author Krajczar K.
dc.contributor.author Lai Y. S.
dc.contributor.author Lee Y. -J.
dc.contributor.author Levin A.
dc.contributor.author Luckey P. D.
dc.contributor.author Maier B.
dc.contributor.author Marini A. C.
dc.contributor.author Mcginn C.
dc.contributor.author Mironov C.
dc.contributor.author Narayanan S.
dc.contributor.author Niu X.
dc.contributor.author Paus C.
dc.contributor.author Roland C.
dc.contributor.author Roland G.
dc.contributor.author Salfeld-Nebgen J.
dc.contributor.author Stephans G. S. F.
dc.contributor.author Tatar K.
dc.contributor.author Velicanu D.
dc.contributor.author Wang J.
dc.contributor.author Wang T. W.
dc.contributor.author Wyslouch B.
dc.contributor.author Benvenuti A. C.
dc.contributor.author Chatterjee R. M.
dc.contributor.author Evans A.
dc.contributor.author Hansen P.
dc.contributor.author Kalafut S.
dc.contributor.author Kao S. C.
dc.contributor.author Kubota Y.
dc.contributor.author Lesko Z.
dc.contributor.author Mans J.
dc.contributor.author Nourbakhsh S.
dc.contributor.author Ruckstuhl N.
dc.contributor.author Rusack R.
dc.contributor.author Tambe N.
dc.contributor.author Turkewitz J.
dc.contributor.author Acosta J. G.
dc.contributor.author Oliveros S.
dc.contributor.author Avdeeva E.
dc.contributor.author Bloom K.
dc.contributor.author Claes D. R.
dc.contributor.author Fangmeier C.
dc.contributor.author Suarez R. Gonzalez
dc.contributor.author Kamalieddin R.
dc.contributor.author Kravchenko I.
dc.contributor.author Rodrigues A. Malta
dc.contributor.author Monroy J.
dc.contributor.author Siado J. E.
dc.contributor.author Snow G. R.
dc.contributor.author Stieger B.
dc.contributor.author Alyari M.
dc.contributor.author Dolen J.
dc.contributor.author Godshalk A.
dc.contributor.author Harrington C.
dc.contributor.author Iashvili I.
dc.contributor.author Kaisen J.
dc.contributor.author Nguyen D.
dc.contributor.author Parker A.
dc.contributor.author Rappoccio S.
dc.contributor.author Roozbahani B.
dc.contributor.author Alverson G.
dc.contributor.author Barberis E.
dc.contributor.author Hortiangtham A.
dc.contributor.author Massironi A.
dc.contributor.author Morse D. M.
dc.contributor.author Nash D.
dc.contributor.author Orimoto T.
dc.contributor.author De Lima R. Teixeira
dc.contributor.author Trocino D.
dc.contributor.author Wang R. -J.
dc.contributor.author Wood D.
dc.contributor.author Bhattacharya S.
dc.contributor.author Charaf O.
dc.contributor.author Hahn K. A.
dc.contributor.author Kumar A.
dc.contributor.author Mucia N.
dc.contributor.author Odell N.
dc.contributor.author Pollack B.
dc.contributor.author Schmitt M. H.
dc.contributor.author Sung K.
dc.contributor.author Trovato M.
dc.contributor.author Velasco M.
dc.contributor.author Dev N.
dc.contributor.author Hildreth M.
dc.contributor.author Anampa K. Hurtado
dc.contributor.author Jessop C.
dc.contributor.author Karmgard D. J.
dc.contributor.author Kellams N.
dc.contributor.author Lannon K.
dc.contributor.author Marinelli N.
dc.contributor.author Meng F.
dc.contributor.author Mueller C.
dc.contributor.author Musienko Y.
dc.contributor.author Planer M.
dc.contributor.author Reinsvold A.
dc.contributor.author Ruchti R.
dc.contributor.author Rupprecht N.
dc.contributor.author Smith G.
dc.contributor.author Taroni S.
dc.contributor.author Wayne M.
dc.contributor.author Wolf M.
dc.contributor.author Woodard A.
dc.contributor.author Alimena J.
dc.contributor.author Antonelli L.
dc.contributor.author Bylsma B.
dc.contributor.author Durkin L. S.
dc.contributor.author Flowers S.
dc.contributor.author Francis B.
dc.contributor.author Hart A.
dc.contributor.author Hill C.
dc.contributor.author Hughes R.
dc.contributor.author Ji W.
dc.contributor.author Liu B.
dc.contributor.author Luo W.
dc.contributor.author Puigh D.
dc.contributor.author Winer B. L.
dc.contributor.author Wulsin H. W.
dc.contributor.author Cooperstein S.
dc.contributor.author Driga O.
dc.contributor.author Elmer P.
dc.contributor.author Hardenbrook J.
dc.contributor.author Hebda P.
dc.contributor.author Lange D.
dc.contributor.author Luo J.
dc.contributor.author Marlow D.
dc.contributor.author Medvedeva T.
dc.contributor.author Mei K.
dc.contributor.author Ojalvo I.
dc.contributor.author Olsen J.
dc.contributor.author Palmer C.
dc.contributor.author Piroue P.
dc.contributor.author Stickland D.
dc.contributor.author Svyatkovskiy A.
dc.contributor.author Tully C.
dc.contributor.author Malik S.
dc.contributor.author Barker A.
dc.contributor.author Barnes V. E.
dc.contributor.author Folgueras S.
dc.contributor.author Gutay L.
dc.contributor.author Jha M. K.
dc.contributor.author Jones M.
dc.contributor.author Jung A. W.
dc.contributor.author Khatiwada A.
dc.contributor.author Miller D. H.
dc.contributor.author Neumeister N.
dc.contributor.author Schulte J. F.
dc.contributor.author Shi X.
dc.contributor.author Sun J.
dc.contributor.author Wang F.
dc.contributor.author Xie W.
dc.contributor.author Parashar N.
dc.contributor.author Stupak J.
dc.contributor.author Adair A.
dc.contributor.author Akgun B.
dc.contributor.author Chen Z.
dc.contributor.author Ecklund K. M.
dc.contributor.author Geurts F. J. M.
dc.contributor.author Guilbaud M.
dc.contributor.author Li W.
dc.contributor.author Michlin B.
dc.contributor.author Northup M.
dc.contributor.author Padley B. P.
dc.contributor.author Roberts J.
dc.contributor.author Rorie J.
dc.contributor.author Tu Z.
dc.contributor.author Zabel J.
dc.contributor.author Betchart B.
dc.contributor.author Bodek A.
dc.contributor.author de barbaro P.
dc.contributor.author Demina R.
dc.contributor.author Duh Y. T.
dc.contributor.author Ferbel T.
dc.contributor.author Galanti M.
dc.contributor.author Garcia-Bellido A.
dc.contributor.author Han J.
dc.contributor.author Hindrichs O.
dc.contributor.author Khukhunaishvili A.
dc.contributor.author Lo K. H.
dc.contributor.author Tan P.
dc.contributor.author Verzetti M.
dc.contributor.author Agapitos A.
dc.contributor.author Chou J. P.
dc.contributor.author Gershtein Y.
dc.contributor.author Espinosa T. A. Gomez
dc.contributor.author Halkiadakis E.
dc.contributor.author Heindl M.
dc.contributor.author Hughes E.
dc.contributor.author Kaplan S.
dc.contributor.author Elayavalli R. Kunnawalkam
dc.contributor.author Kyriacou S.
dc.contributor.author Lath A.
dc.contributor.author Nash K.
dc.contributor.author Osherson M.
dc.contributor.author Saka H.
dc.contributor.author Salur S.
dc.contributor.author Schnetzer S.
dc.contributor.author Sheffield D.
dc.contributor.author Somalwar S.
dc.contributor.author Stone R.
dc.contributor.author Thomas S.
dc.contributor.author Thomassen P.
dc.contributor.author Walker M.
dc.contributor.author Delannoy A. G.
dc.contributor.author Foerster M.
dc.contributor.author Heideman J.
dc.contributor.author Riley G.
dc.contributor.author Rose K.
dc.contributor.author Spanier S.
dc.contributor.author Thapa K.
dc.contributor.author Bouhali O.
dc.contributor.author Celik A.
dc.contributor.author Dalchenko M.
dc.contributor.author De Mattia M.
dc.contributor.author Delgado A.
dc.contributor.author Dildick S.
dc.contributor.author Eusebi R.
dc.contributor.author Gilmore J.
dc.contributor.author Huang T.
dc.contributor.author Juska E.
dc.contributor.author Kamon T.
dc.contributor.author Mueller R.
dc.contributor.author Pakhotin Y.
dc.contributor.author Patel R.
dc.contributor.author Perloff A.
dc.contributor.author Pernie L.
dc.contributor.author Rathjens D.
dc.contributor.author Safonov A.
dc.contributor.author Tatarinov A.
dc.contributor.author Ulmer K. A.
dc.contributor.author Akchurin N.
dc.contributor.author Cowden C.
dc.contributor.author Damgov J.
dc.contributor.author De Guio F.
dc.contributor.author Dragoiu C.
dc.contributor.author Dudero P. R.
dc.contributor.author Faulkner J.
dc.contributor.author Gurpinar E.
dc.contributor.author Kunori S.
dc.contributor.author Lamichhane K.
dc.contributor.author Lee S. W.
dc.contributor.author Libeiro T.
dc.contributor.author Peltola T.
dc.contributor.author Undleeb S.
dc.contributor.author Volobouev I.
dc.contributor.author Wang Z.
dc.contributor.author Greene S.
dc.contributor.author Gurrola A.
dc.contributor.author Janjam R.
dc.contributor.author Johns W.
dc.contributor.author Maguire C.
dc.contributor.author Melo A.
dc.contributor.author Ni H.
dc.contributor.author Sheldon P.
dc.contributor.author Tuo S.
dc.contributor.author Velkovska J.
dc.contributor.author Xu Q.
dc.contributor.author Arenton M. W.
dc.contributor.author Barria P.
dc.contributor.author Cox B.
dc.contributor.author Goodell J.
dc.contributor.author Hirosky R.
dc.contributor.author Ledovskoy A.
dc.contributor.author Li H.
dc.contributor.author Neu C.
dc.contributor.author Sinthuprasith T.
dc.contributor.author Sun X.
dc.contributor.author Wang Y.
dc.contributor.author Wolfe E.
dc.contributor.author Xia F.
dc.contributor.author Clarke C.
dc.contributor.author Harr R.
dc.contributor.author Karchin P. E.
dc.contributor.author Sturdy J.
dc.contributor.author Belknap D. A.
dc.contributor.author Buchanan J.
dc.contributor.author Caillol C.
dc.contributor.author Dasu S.
dc.contributor.author Dodd L.
dc.contributor.author Duric S.
dc.contributor.author Gomber B.
dc.contributor.author Grothe M.
dc.contributor.author Herndon M.
dc.contributor.author Herve A.
dc.contributor.author Klabbers P.
dc.contributor.author Lanaro A.
dc.contributor.author Levine A.
dc.contributor.author Long K.
dc.contributor.author Loveless R.
dc.contributor.author Perry T.
dc.contributor.author Pierro G. A.
dc.contributor.author Polese G.
dc.contributor.author Ruggles T.
dc.contributor.author Savin A.
dc.contributor.author Smith N.
dc.contributor.author Smith W. H.
dc.contributor.author Taylor D.
dc.contributor.author Woods N.
dc.date.accessioned 2019-07-10T13:29:09Z
dc.date.available 2019-07-10T13:29:09Z
dc.date.issued 2017
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/11547/2905
dc.title Life Cycle Assessment of a multi-use offshore platform: Combining wind and wave energy production
dc.publisher.volume 145
dc.publisher.firstpagenumber 430
dc.publisher.lastpagenumber 443
dc.identifier.doinumber 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2017.09.005
dc.identifier.wos WOS:000414886600037

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