We systematically study the electromagnetic properties of multiquark states. In this study, inspired by the recent series of studies that showed the likely existence of a D (D) over bar* K state, we examine the magnetic moment of D (D) over bar* K hexaquark state in three-meson molecular structure, as well as having isospin and spin-parity quantum numbers I (J(P)) = 3/2(1(-)) via light-cone sum rules. The magnetic moment obtained for the D (D) over bar* K molecular hexaquark state is quite large due to the double electric charge, and its magnitude indicates that it is accessible in future experiments. As a byproduct, the quadrupole moment of the D (D) over bar* K molecular hexaquark state is also extracted. This value indicates a non-spherical charge distribution. The magnetic moments of hadrons contains valuable knowledge on the distributions of charge and magnetization their inside, which can be used to better understand their geometric shape and quark-gluon organizations. The results given in this study constitute an estimate of the magnetic moment of this D (D) over bar* K state and should serve as an inspiration to conduct experimental examinations of this state.