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dc.contributor.authorHosseini, Seyedeh Maryam-
dc.description.abstractYüksek basınçlı döküm, sıvı metalin kısa döngü süreleri üzerinden çok parçalı yeniden kullanılabilir kalıplarda preslendiği bir tekniktir. Diğer döküm yöntemlerinin aksine doldurma eylemi, ağırlığı etkilemez; bu nedenle de döküm süreçleri yüksek hızda sıvı akışları ile meydana gelmekte ve bu sürecin sonunda, bu kinetik enerji ısıya ve de basınç enerjisine dönüşmektedir. Dolayısıyla da yüksek kalitede ve de keskin köşe ve kenarlara sahip olan yüksek hassasiyetli ve ince cidarlı dökümler, burada bahsedilen basınçlı döküm yöntemi kullanılarak özel koşullar altında üretilmektedir. Basınçlı döküm yöntemi kullanılarak işlenen demir dışı alaşımlar, alüminyum, magnezyum ve çinkoyu içermektedir. Basınçlı döküm, alüminyumun bir kalıba enjeksiyonu esnasında yüksek termal ve mekanik basınç altındadır. Prensip olarak döküm kalıbın kullanım süresi, kimyasal kompozisyonun, imalat yönteminin ve termal operasyonların yanı sıra kalıp materyali özelliklerinin seçimine de bağlıdır. Termal basınçlar, kalıp malzemesinin yapısında hasara neden olabilecek sıcaklık değişiklikleri ile oluşmaktadır. Dış yüzeyde ince çatlaklar şeklinde görünen bu hasar tipi, sıcaklık değişikliklerinden kaynaklanmaktadır. Oluşan bu derin çatlaklar aşamasal olarak büyümekte ve boşluklar şeklinde çatlaklar oluşmaktadır. Çatlaklar nedeni ile oluşan hasar, basınçlı döküm kalıbın kullanım süresinde kritik bir rol oynamaktadır. Basınçlı döküm kalıplarında ısı kontrolü, tipik başarısızlık mekanizmasıdır. Bu başarısızlık girişimini azaltan parametrelerin optimize edilmesi, çeliklerin tasarlanması ve ısıl işlemde göz önünde bulundurulmalıdır. Bu araştırma, farklı deneysel döngülerden sonra basınçlı döküm kalıp numunelerine uygulanan geleneksel materyallerin 1.2343 (X38CrMoV5-1) H11 ve 1.2344(X40CrMoV5-1)H13 ve yeni çeliklerin (Dievar & Toloox) özelliklerini incelemektedir. Ayrıca bahsedilen materyallerin mikro yapıları da, Optik Işık Mikroskobu ve Tarayıcı Elektron Mikroskobu (SEM) testi ile analiz edilmiştir. Krom-molibden-silikon-vanadyum çeliği, yağ ve havada iyi sertleşme özelliğine sahiptir. Dolayısıyla da sıcak işlenmiş çelikler, hem düzenli hem daha yüksek sıcaklıklarda makul sertlik ve plastik özelliklerine sahiptir. Bu nedenle de, oldukça iyi bir geleneksel basınçlı döküm materyalidir. Buna rağmen, Dievar gibi diğer bir özel kalıp çelikleri de özellikle bu çelik sınıfı ile geliştirilmektedir; Dievar, hem sıkı bir tokluk hem iyi bir sıcak dayancının neticesi olarak iyi bir ısı kontrolü ve azami kırınımına sahiptir. TOOLOX 44 isimli yeni sertleştirilmiş bir takım çeliği olan ek bir malzeme, ısı kontrol başarısızlıklarını azaltabilecek olan çarpma tokluğu parametrelerinin optimize edilmesi ile yukarıda tanımlanan başarısızlığı kontrol etmektedir. Isı işlemlerindeki çeşitlilik sorunu, TOOLOX 44 ile çözülmektedir.tr_TR
dc.subjectBasınçlı Döküm Kalıp Malzemeleritr_TR
dc.subjectTermal Yorgunluğatr_TR
dc.subjectDie Casting Materialstr_TR
dc.subjectThermal Fatiguetr_TR
dc.description.abstractolHigh pressure die casting is a technique in which liquid metal is pressed into multi-piece reusable molds over short cycle times. Unlike other casting methods, the action of the filing will not affect the weight; hence, the casting processes occurs due to high-speed fluid flows, and at the end of this process, this kinetic energy is converted into heat and pressure energy. Accordingly, high-precision and thin-walled castings of high quality and with sharp corners and edges are produced under special conditions using this die casting method. The majority of the non-ferrous alloys processed by die casting consist of aluminum, magnesium, and zinc. During injection of aluminum into a mold, the die casting is under high thermal and mechanical stresses. Principally, the lifetime of a casting mold depends on the choice of the mold material characteristics, as well as its chemical composition, method of manufacture and thermal operations. Thermal stresses are created by temperature changes, which may cause damage in the structure of the mold material. This type of damage, which appears as tiny cracks in the outer surface, is due to temperature changes. Deep cracks gradually grow and create cracks as gaps. The damage due to cracks plays a critical role in the lifetime of the die-casting mold. In die casting molds, heat-checking is the typical failure mechanism. Optimizing the parameters that decrease this failure venture should be considered during designing and heat treating steels. This research is investigated properties of the traditional materials 1.2343 (X38CrMoV5-1) H11and 1.2344(X40CrMoV5-1)H13 and the new steels (Dievar & Toloox) when applied to the Die Casting mold specimens, after different experimental cycles. Also, microstructures of the mention materials were analyzed by Light Optical Microscope and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) test. chrome-molybdenum-silicon-vanadium steel, have good hardening ability in oil and air. Therefore, the hot-work steels have considerable toughness and plastic attributes through both regular and higher temperatures. So, it is a good traditional die casting material. However, other special die steel, such as Dievar, is a particularly developed steel grade; Dievar has good heat-checking and gross cracking resistance as a result of both high toughness and good hot strength. High pressure die casting is a technique in which liquid metal is pressed into multi-piece reusable molds over short cycle times. Unlike other casting methods, the action of the filing will not affect the weight; hence, the casting processes occurs due to high-speed fluid flows, and at the end of this process, this kinetic energy is converted into heat and pressure energy. Accordingly, high-precision and thin-walled castings of high quality and with sharp corners and edges are produced under special conditions using this die casting method. The majority of the non-ferrous alloys processed by die casting consist of aluminum, magnesium, and zinc. During injection of aluminum into a mold, the die casting is under high thermal and mechanical stresses. Principally, the lifetime of a casting mold depends on the choice of the mold material characteristics, as well as its chemical composition, method of manufacture and thermal operations. Thermal stresses are created by temperature changes, which may cause damage in the structure of the mold material. This type of damage, which appears as tiny cracks in the outer surface, is due to temperature changes. Deep cracks gradually grow and create cracks as gaps. The damage due to cracks plays a critical role in the lifetime of the die-casting mold. In die casting molds, heat-checking is the typical failure mechanism. Optimizing the parameters that decrease this failure venture should be considered during designing and heat treating steels. This research is investigated properties of the traditional materials 1.2343 (X38CrMoV5-1) H11and 1.2344(X40CrMoV5-1)H13 and the new steels (Dievar & Toloox) when applied to the Die Casting mold specimens, after different experimental cycles. Also, microstructures of the mention materials were analyzed by Light Optical Microscope and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) test. chrome-molybdenum-silicon-vanadium steel, have good hardening ability in oil and air. Therefore, the hot-work steels have considerable toughness and plastic attributes through both regular and higher temperatures. So, it is a good traditional die casting material. However, other special die steel, such as Dievar, is a particularly developed steel grade; Dievar has good heat-checking and gross cracking resistance as a result of both high toughness and good hot strength. High pressure die casting is a technique in which liquid metal is pressed into multi-piece reusable molds over short cycle times. Unlike other casting methods, the action of the filing will not affect the weight; hence, the casting processes occurs due to high-speed fluid flows, and at the end of this process, this kinetic energy is converted into heat and pressure energy. Accordingly, high-precision and thin-walled castings of high quality and with sharp corners and edges are produced under special conditions using this die casting method. The majority of the non-ferrous alloys processed by die casting consist of aluminum, magnesium, and zinc. During injection of aluminum into a mold, the die casting is under high thermal and mechanical stresses. Principally, the lifetime of a casting mold depends on the choice of the mold material characteristics, as well as its chemical composition, method of manufacture and thermal operations. Thermal stresses are created by temperature changes, which may cause damage in the structure of the mold material. This type of damage, which appears as tiny cracks in the outer surface, is due to temperature changes. Deep cracks gradually grow and create cracks as gaps. The damage due to cracks plays a critical role in the lifetime of the die-casting mold. In die casting molds, heat-checking is the typical failure mechanism. Optimizing the parameters that decrease this failure venture should be considered during designing and heat treating steels. This research is investigated properties of the traditional materials 1.2343 (X38CrMoV5-1) H11and 1.2344(X40CrMoV5-1)H13 and the new steels (Dievar & Toloox) when applied to the Die Casting mold specimens, after different experimental cycles. Also, microstructures of the mention materials were analyzed by Light Optical Microscope and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) test. chrome-molybdenum-silicon-vanadium steel, have good hardening ability in oil and air. Therefore, the hot-work steels have considerable toughness and plastic attributes through both regular and higher temperatures. So, it is a good traditional die casting material. However, other special die steel, such as Dievar, is a particularly developed steel grade; Dievar has good heat-checking and gross cracking resistance as a result of both high toughness and good hot strength.High pressure die casting is a technique in which liquid metal is pressed into multi-piece reusable molds over short cycle times. Unlike other casting methods, the action of the filing will not affect the weight; hence, the casting processes occurs due to high-speed fluid flows, and at the end of this process, this kinetic energy is converted into heat and pressure energy. Accordingly, high-precision and thin-walled castings of high quality and with sharp corners and edges are produced under special conditions using this die casting method. The majority of the non-ferrous alloys processed by die casting consist of aluminum, magnesium, and zinc. During injection of aluminum into a mold, the die casting is under high thermal and mechanical stresses. Principally, the lifetime of a casting mold depends on the choice of the mold material characteristics, as well as its chemical composition, method of manufacture and thermal operations. Thermal stresses are created by temperature changes, which may cause damage in the structure of the mold material. This type of damage, which appears as tiny cracks in the outer surface, is due to temperature changes. Deep cracks gradually grow and create cracks as gaps. The damage due to cracks plays a critical role in the lifetime of the die-casting mold. In die casting molds, heat-checking is the typical failure mechanism. Optimizing the parameters that decrease this failure venture should be considered during designing and heat treating steels. This research is investigated properties of the traditional materials 1.2343 (X38CrMoV5-1) H11and 1.2344(X40CrMoV5-1)H13 and the new steels (Dievar & Toloox) when applied to the Die Casting mold specimens, after different experimental cycles. Also, microstructures of the mention materials were analyzed by Light Optical Microscope and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) test. chrome-molybdenum-silicon-vanadium steel, have good hardening ability in oil and air. Therefore, the hot-work steels have considerable toughness and plastic attributes through both regular and higher temperatures. So, it is a good traditional die casting material. However, other special die steel, such as Dievar, is a particularly developed steel grade; Dievar has good heat-checking and gross cracking resistance as a result of both high toughness and good hot strength.High pressure die casting is a technique in which liquid metal is pressed into multi-piece reusable molds over short cycle times. Unlike other casting methods, the action of the filing will not affect the weight; hence, the casting processes occurs due to high-speed fluid flows, and at the end of this process, this kinetic energy is converted into heat and pressure energy. Accordingly, high-precision and thin-walled castings of high quality and with sharp corners and edges are produced under special conditions using this die casting method. The majority of the non-ferrous alloys processed by die casting consist of aluminum, magnesium, and zinc. During injection of aluminum into a mold, the die casting is under high thermal and mechanical stresses. Principally, the lifetime of a casting mold depends on the choice of the mold material characteristics, as well as its chemical composition, method of manufacture and thermal operations. Thermal stresses are created by temperature changes, which may cause damage in the structure of the mold material. This type of damage, which appears as tiny cracks in the outer surface, is due to temperature changes. Deep cracks gradually grow and create cracks as gaps. The damage due to cracks plays a critical role in the lifetime of the die-casting mold. In die casting molds, heat-checking is the typical failure mechanism. Optimizing the parameters that decrease this failure venture should be considered during designing and heat treating steels. This research is investigated properties of the traditional materials 1.2343 (X38CrMoV5-1) H11and 1.2344(X40CrMoV5-1)H13 and the new steels (Dievar & Toloox) when applied to the Die Casting mold specimens, after different experimental cycles. Also, microstructures of the mention materials were analyzed by Light Optical Microscope and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) test. chrome-molybdenum-silicon-vanadium steel, have good hardening ability in oil and air. Therefore, the hot-work steels have considerable toughness and plastic attributes through both regular and higher temperatures. So, it is a good traditional die casting material. However, other special die steel, such as Dievar, is a particularly developed steel grade; Dievar has good heat-checking and gross cracking resistance as a result of both high toughness and good hot strength.High pressure die casting is a technique in which liquid metal is pressed into multi-piece reusable molds over short cycle times. Unlike other casting methods, the action of the filing will not affect the weight; hence, the casting processes occurs due to high-speed fluid flows, and at the end of this process, this kinetic energy is converted into heat and pressure energy. Accordingly, high-precision and thin-walled castings of high quality and with sharp corners and edges are produced under special conditions using this die casting method. The majority of the non-ferrous alloys processed by die casting consist of aluminum, magnesium, and zinc. During injection of aluminum into a mold, the die casting is under high thermal and mechanical stresses. Principally, the lifetime of a casting mold depends on the choice of the mold material characteristics, as well as its chemical composition, method of manufacture and thermal operations. Thermal stresses are created by temperature changes, which may cause damage in the structure of the mold material. This type of damage, which appears as tiny cracks in the outer surface, is due to temperature changes. Deep cracks gradually grow and create cracks as gaps. The damage due to cracks plays a critical role in the lifetime of the die-casting mold. In die casting molds, heat-checking is the typical failure mechanism. Optimizing the parameters that decrease this failure venture should be considered during designing and heat treating steels. This research is investigated properties of the traditional materials 1.2343 (X38CrMoV5-1) H11and 1.2344(X40CrMoV5-1)H13 and the new steels (Dievar & Toloox) when applied to the Die Casting mold specimens, after different experimental cycles. Also, microstructures of the mention materials were analyzed by Light Optical Microscope and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) test. chrome-molybdenum-silicon-vanadium steel, have good hardening ability in oil and air. Therefore, the hot-work steels have considerable toughness and plastic attributes through both regular and higher temperatures. So, it is a good traditional die casting material. However, other special die steel, such as Dievar, is a particularly developed steel grade; Dievar has good heat-checking and gross cracking resistance as a result of both high toughness and good hot strength.High pressure die casting is a technique in which liquid metal is pressed into multi-piece reusable molds over short cycle times. Unlike other casting methods, the action of the filing will not affect the weight; hence, the casting processes occurs due to high-speed fluid flows, and at the end of this process, this kinetic energy is converted into heat and pressure energy. Accordingly, high-precision and thin-walled castings of high quality and with sharp corners and edges are produced under special conditions using this die casting method. The majority of the non-ferrous alloys processed by die casting consist of aluminum, magnesium, and zinc. During injection of aluminum into a mold, the die casting is under high thermal and mechanical stresses. Principally, the lifetime of a casting mold depends on the choice of the mold material characteristics, as well as its chemical composition, method of manufacture and thermal operations. Thermal stresses are created by temperature changes, which may cause damage in the structure of the mold material. This type of damage, which appears as tiny cracks in the outer surface, is due to temperature changes. Deep cracks gradually grow and create cracks as gaps. The damage due to cracks plays a critical role in the lifetime of the die-casting mold. In die casting molds, heat-checking is the typical failure mechanism. Optimizing the parameters that decrease this failure venture should be considered during designing and heat treating steels. This research is investigated properties of the traditional materials 1.2343 (X38CrMoV5-1) H11and 1.2344(X40CrMoV5-1)H13 and the new steels (Dievar & Toloox) when applied to the Die Casting mold specimens, after different experimental cycles. Also, microstructures of the mention materials were analyzed by Light Optical Microscope and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) test. chrome-molybdenum-silicon-vanadium steel, have good hardening ability in oil and air. Therefore, the hot-work steels have considerable toughness and plastic attributes through both regular and higher temperatures. So, it is a good traditional die casting material. However, other special die steel, such as Dievar, is a particularly developed steel grade; Dievar has good heat-checking and gross cracking resistance as a result of both high toughness and good hot strength.High pressure die casting is a technique in which liquid metal is pressed into multi-piece reusable molds over short cycle times. Unlike other casting methods, the action of the filing will not affect the weight; hence, the casting processes occurs due to high-speed fluid flows, and at the end of this process, this kinetic energy is converted into heat and pressure energy. Accordingly, high-precision and thin-walled castings of high quality and with sharp corners and edges are produced under special conditions using this die casting method. The majority of the non-ferrous alloys processed by die casting consist of aluminum, magnesium, and zinc. During injection of aluminum into a mold, the die casting is under high thermal and mechanical stresses. Principally, the lifetime of a casting mold depends on the choice of the mold material characteristics, as well as its chemical composition, method of manufacture and thermal operations. Thermal stresses are created by temperature changes, which may cause damage in the structure of the mold material. This type of damage, which appears as tiny cracks in the outer surface, is due to temperature changes. Deep cracks gradually grow and create cracks as gaps. The damage due to cracks plays a critical role in the lifetime of the die-casting mold. In die casting molds, heat-checking is the typical failure mechanism. Optimizing the parameters that decrease this failure venture should be considered during designing and heat treating steels. This research is investigated properties of the traditional materials 1.2343 (X38CrMoV5-1) H11and 1.2344(X40CrMoV5-1)H13 and the new steels (Dievar & Toloox) when applied to the Die Casting mold specimens, after different experimental cycles. Also, microstructures of the mention materials were analyzed by Light Optical Microscope and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) test. chrome-molybdenum-silicon-vanadium steel, have good hardening ability in oil and air. Therefore, the hot-work steels have considerable toughness and plastic attributes through both regular and higher temperatures. So, it is a good traditional die casting material. However, other special die steel, such as Dievar, is a particularly developed steel grade; Dievar has good heat-checking and gross cracking resistance as a result of both high toughness and good hot strength.An additional material, a new pre-hardened tool steel known as TOOLOX 44, exhibits control of the failure described above by optimizing the parameters of impact toughness that could reduce the heat-checking failures. The issue of diversity in heat treatments is resolved by TOOLOX 44.tr_TR
Appears in Collections:Tezler -Thesis

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